
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

She Reads Truth JUSTICE - Day #1

Let's Begin at the Cross

Today is the day! The Justice Study from She Reads Truth is now live and active in the hearts of women across the globe! What an amazing thing. Let's jump right in to today's study, my little son is in bed for his nap -- so now is the time!
Today's scripture reading Text: Romans 5:12-21John 18:28-40John 3:16-17
Today's FULL devotional can be found HERE!

While reading through the scriptures and devotions today, I really noticed the contrast in the ways of the world, and the ways of God. We need to have our perspectives on justice to be founded in THE TRUTH -- rather than starting with our own mix of influences, we must start at the CROSS and biblical justice, the perfect way that leads to life now, and life forever.
In the study booklet there are three sections each day: She Studies, She Prays, She Lives 
I encourage you to take out your study book, a journal or simply a piece of paper to interact with the scriptures and process through, write out a prayer, and look to how this influences your actions in life.

Here is what happened in my journal today:
I love sharing the biblical truths and lovely photos from their website with you.
What were you inspired by in the scriptures or devotion readings today? Have you done a She Reads Truth Study before? What's in your journal?
Note: If you didn't get a chance to purchase the Justice Study Pack you still can HERE - The reason I love it is because there are blank pages to fill. If I skip a day, there is a space that is empty and obvious -- it helps me stay up to date with the study and have a bound and beautiful booklet to hold it all. If you don't have the chance to get the booklet but would still would like the devotionals in an interactive and handheld manor, I would recommend their app! They have a notes section, devotionals, bookmarks, and the scriptures all in one place!

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