
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Previous Entries

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How Our Garden Grows || 4

One of my goals for April was to update you on the garden! It's been awhile since I've shared!

To catch you up: be sure to check out Part OneTwo and Three of the How Our Garden Grows series to see how far we've come!
 The lettuce/spring mix seeds that we planted in the pallets started sprouting! Little babies :) and I'm so proud of them!
 And our blueberry bush started producing more little blueberry clusters!
 Best of all, in February we had our first bit of produce! A cherry heirloom tomato! Yes, it was already on the vine when we bought the plant -- but hey, it was small and green! We got it all the way to ripe and beautiful! Our first gardening success!
The Marsh man l.o.v.e.s. tomatoes, and was SO pleased with this tasty treat. Don't garden tomatoes taste remarkably better than buying them in the store? There's such a noticeable difference in flavor!
So that brings us to the end of February on the garden! -- stay tuned, people, because it just keeps getting better! If you drove by my garden today, you'd be so proud of me ... minus the blueberry plant for some reason :/ ... but hey, live and learn! This sure is fun :)
Have you started a garden?
What are your favorite veggies to grow?
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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Time for Tuesday Talk! || April showers are upon us!

Thank you so much for coming onto Mitchael Journey to link up and get to know our family a little bit more! 
This week we've had rainy days and have spent a lot of time indoors because of the storms. Rainy days mean less walks, tossing the ball outside and going swimming, so we've done a few other fun things this week! Little Marsh and I made a pizza and he wore my apron!
We spent the morning mixing the dough, padding out the crust, spreading the sauce, picking and placing toppings, baking and then enjoyed it for lunch! 
I have to say, it was deeeelish! 
What are some of your favorite rainy day toys and activities? I'd love to know, I think we may have some more rain a' comin'! In fact, I'd love for your to link-up any posts you have on that topic on Tuesday Talk today! April showers are upon us! 

Stay tuned this week for a GIVEAWAY starting MAY 1st [FRIDAY!], plus, link-up with My Monthly Goals right here during the entire first week of each month. Share your goals for May! Join to be encouraged and inspired!
don't want to forget these opportunities? follow us on Facebook, we'd love to have you -- and we'll be sure to remind you to join in the fun!
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Welcome to Tuesday Talk! As always, you are welcome to link up any post, as long as you follow these lovely ladies below (they are your hostesses!) and grab that purple Tuesday Talk button and link back, so that others can join in the party, open to everyone!
Becky from BYBMG || Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls
Whitney from Polka Dotty Place || Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things || Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims || Keri from Living in This Season || Sarah from Abiding In Grace || Lauren from Simply Free || Andrea {ME!!} from Mitchael Journey || Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones || Mandy from Almond Place  || Teressa from Teressa Jane

Having all these hosts, any post you link up appears on all of our blogs! Another really cool aspect about this link-up is that we have a group Pinterest board that myself and the other hosts post to! I am excited to choose a few of my favorites from this week and pin them to the board! Be sure to add our button below if you want to be featured!

Here are a couple of my favorites from last week's link-up!
she loves butterflies, like me!
Mitchael Journey
I can't wait to pick my personal favorites! 
I could be sharing your post on social media! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday Talk || Sweet #16

Another week has gone by [so fast!] in our lives! Here's what you may have missed on Mitchael Journey:: 
Silly Marshall update here + Beach Trip and Sister visit here

never miss another post, follow us on Facebook, we'd love to have you!

It's now the 16th edition of Tuesday Talk! Follow these lovely ladies and get to know them, they're wonderful!
Becky from BYBMG || Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls
Whitney from Polka Dotty Place || Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things || Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims || Keri from Living in This Season || Sarah from Abiding In Grace || Lauren from Simply Free || Andrea {ME!!} from Mitchael Journey || Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones || Mandy from Almond Place  || Teressa from Teressa Jane

Having all these hosts, any post you link up appears on all of our blogs! Another really cool aspect about this link-up is that we have a group Pinterest board that myself and the other hosts post to! I am excited to choose a few of my favorites from this week and pin them to the board! Be sure to add our button below if you want to be featured!

Here are a few of my favorites from last week:  
powerfully articulated truths
a brilliant money-saver!
a stress-free approach to help with fine motor skills and feeding
Mitchael Journey

I can't wait to pick my personal favorites! 
I could be sharing your post on social media! -- so click the links below to follow and see if you were picked!
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Monday, April 20, 2015

Ember's First Beach Trip + My Sister Came to Town!

This past weekend was such a treat for me! My sister, Leah flew in from Arkansas to visit us in So Flo for the FIRST time since we've moved here :) I was really looking forward to her trip, because it is such a treat to have one-on-one time with Leah. She has two kids of her own, so it can be hard to get away, I am so thankful that she did!
We headed to the beach on Monday and had gorgeous weather! Seriously, I couldn't have ordered it more perfect! Ocean breeze, a bit overcast, warm - but not too hot -- and a wading pool sort of tide with the waves crashing far away from my sweet little son! We really enjoyed the relaxing time :)

Marshall and Leah worked hard in the sand, but not too hard!

 A nice man let Marshall borrow his bucket and shovel to create some sandcastles!
Josh and Ember waited in the car for a bit, thinking it would be too hot -- but we let them know that the temperature was ideal -- and they came to join us!
Ember slept the beach day away, but hey, she got to smell the salty air and feel the mist on her toes!

 It was so nice to just chill! Leah even buried Marshall in the sand! That's one way to keep him from running off, hands free!
Comment below:
What are some ways you enjoy a family day?
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