shannon motherwell photography
Marshall is such a fun-loving kid who loves to put a smile on the face of a stranger. He is very affectionate -- loves giving out kisses, hugs, pounds and high-fives! Marshall has such a blast with his friends and family -- he has learned SO many names and likes to make people feel special with his extra umphf and squeeze to his hugs! He's hit all of his milestones and has fun learning and parroting what we say and do!
P.S. I will be posting more pictures on Monday with our first Mitchael Journey Giveaway! Please subscribe and check back on the 11th to enter :)
Here are some sweet and silly things about our little guy lately:
Before bed, he always says, "sing song, Momma/Daddy" and then asks to pray, which he ends with a darling, "AMEN"! During the day, he loves listening to music, and can pick out guitar ("tar") and drums from the songs -- and considers the male vocalist "daddy" and the females are all "momma".
Marshall calls his pacifier a "mudgie"...goofy kid! He likes his mudgie, but we will soon by saying farewell, we'll see how that goes!
He is very nurturing to his toy Elmo - including trying to feed him spoonfuls of whatever he's eating! I like putting a drop of Peace and Calming oil on Elmo's head before bed -- makes Elmo smell so good and gets Marshall in a sleepy mood.
We like to refer to Marshall's little training potty as the "iPoo" -- so sleek and Mac-like! hehe :) I am so proud of Marshall for putting his "yuckies" in the potty, I have refrained myself from posting pictures of the proof -- you're welcome! We're using less and less diapers, so that helps save $ and laundry!
Little man loves to be outside, and asks to go out frequently! He loves to run, jump, slide and he even somersaulted the other day. Marshall loves playing ball -- has an impressive throwing arm and loves running behind a ball and kicking it soccer style!
Marshall has a lot of favorite animals, here are some that come to mind: lizards "yih-zard", ducks, birds, butterflies "buh-fy", doggies, cats "ka-gee" and fish "feesh"!
He asks for snacks of peanut butter "pu-put" and hummus "hum-uh" and chows down on cheese and berries! He even likes to eat tomatoes --just like me! With a little drink of "ice water please, Momma" he is happy to go!
We love you little man! Happy Birthday!!
shannon motherwell photography

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