
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Baby Update - 14 weeks pregnant

I have to say -- I am relieved to be in the 2nd Trimester now! I'm passed food aversion and nausea, so now it's time to grow this baby! For those of you who do not know, this is baby #2 in our family. My son is now 2 years old and I am 14 weeks along with this new little one! 
Having had our son at home [you can read that story HERE], my husband and I are hopeful that we can once again have a homebirth and be under midwife care for prenatals as well! We are unable to have our beloved midwife from our son's birth (*tears* -- we LOVE her!) [Joy Coonfield of Birth with Joy Midwifery], since we moved from NW Arkansas to S Florida in March -- so we were on a mission to find another midwife for our family. I actually started searching online and through friends before we were even pregnant, and I think maybe even before we moved! Gotta have a good one, people!

Our choice? Gelena Hinkley from Peaceful Pregnancy Pathways (P3)! So far we've had our first consultation, which took place at her office -- and two IN HOME visits - at 10 weeks and 14 weeks (this past Monday). I really appreciate her health and nutritional advice so far as well as the many resources she provides!

On Monday I had my blood drawn at home and we chatted about how things were going so far. I'm working on building up my iron and helping my body to absorb it better, so I've recently begun taking Floradix. It has already helped boost my energy, and doesn't taste half bad either! 
Purchase through Vitacost for $10 off $30 with my referral link: http://goo.gl/rj6rfq

Also, I had called Gelena a week prior when I'd had some cramping pain, so Gelena followed up with me on that. I was nervous going into the appointment because I had not yet heard the little one's heartbeat. I laid on the couch to have Gelena use the doppler to find the heartbeat, but she was unable to find it. There were a couple times when it seemed like we heard baby, but it was short and passing. My midwife reassured me that sometimes when they're that little they can be pretty far back and not get picked up on the instrument. Also, the babies don't prefer the sound of the doppler, so they often swim away. Due to the fact that we hadn't heard baby, my midwife connected me with her ultrasound technician and let me know that I should be able to get in the same day. 

We were very nervous going in to have the ultrasound, but tried to focus on the known and the hopeful. We knew that God has a plan for every child and we prayed that we would get to meet and raise this little one. By the time I was laying on the table with my belly jellied up, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore in anticipation.

When the precious figure of our baby appeared on the screen my heart jumped and relief poured through me as the baby waved energetically to us as if to say, "Hey there mom and dad! I'm here, and everything is fine!" Tears of joy streamed down my face and we were all smiles from then on as we got to watch our sweet baby wiggle and kick around for us -- amazing. strong. *sigh* 
1 Samuel 1:27 NIV - I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.
Marshall was in the room with us and started noticing that the dark room actually had a baby on the screen! He let us know, "Baby, right there! Baby is sleeping!" Praise the Lord, our baby is being knit together and all is well! What a tremendous blessing! They even gave a guess as to the gender :) ... but they won't give a true declaration for another week or few. 
Boy or Girl? What do YOU think? Stay tuned and subscribe to stay connected!
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