
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Spread Kindness!

I am celebrating the launch of Project Lead Kindly, a nonprofit organization founded by Pamela (from Macdonald’s Playland) and her husband. 
Project Lead Kindly assists mothers and children affected by homelessness and domestic violence by providing charitable service and grants to assist them in getting closer to safer, stable housing as well as educational or professional dreams. This is such a need and it's so wonderful to be a part of spreading the word and helping with the launch! They are also on a mission to spread the message that ALL can do good and spread kindness, no matter their circumstances. 

Here's a sign I made to help you to know that you can still spread kindness, even when things are hard.

The message I chose to share was, "Spread kindness, even when THEY don't!" Sharing kindness automatically draws me to a verse I memorized as a kid -- Ephesians 4:32

Be kind one to another
tenderhearted, forgiving one another
even as God in Christ has forgiven you.

I've been encountering a lot of people that don't extend the same kindness as I am offering to them. For one, I live in an area that is made up largely of people who don't know Jesus Christ! 97.4% of my neighbors in South Florida do not even step foot in church apart from funerals, weddings and maybe Christmas. They have not heard the life saving and redeeming message of the gospel. Last night Josh and I visited our church's ownership class called DNA (our second time to attend) -- our version of "church membership". We were reminded and inspired to share the gospel NOW! After all, there are 2 things we can't do in heaven: 
1. sin  2. evangelize
 --which do you think God wants us to be doing more of while we're here on earth? 

I am asking my readers and fellow bloggers to participate in spreading kindness and the launch of this great organization by:
1) Creating your own "Spread Kindness, even when...(fill in the blank)" sign and take a photo of it! 
2) Sharing your photo THIS WEEK on instagram or facebook. Be sure to tag @ProjectLeadKindly and/or hashtag it #projectleadkindly so they can share your photo which will inspire others going through difficult challenges!
3) Tag at least 3 friends and ask them to create a "spread kindness, even when..." sign too and ask them to join in and post the photo on their favorite social media.

Join us in inspiring someone out there to know they are not alone and can find hope to do what is good and right --  no matter what life throws at them. Let's remind people of their light and assist mothers & children in need!
Visit www.projectleadkindly.com to find more ways to lead kindly and to assist mothers & kids affected by homelessness and domestic violence.


Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to hear from you!

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