What a celebration we've had for our first Christmas in Florida! We joined in 12 Days of Serving at Coastal Community Church-- where each day leading up to Christmas was an opportunity for outreach and gospel-living in our community!
I love the get out THERE aspect of our congregation -- afterall, Saved People Serve People -- and our Lord calls us to it -- And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Mark 16:15 NLT
Day 1 - Service Projects in the Community
Josh helped out at SOS Children's Village power-washing and building a sidewalk! More from our crew participated in landscaping and clean-up!
Another projects in the community included - painting inside and outside of Ms. Pearlie's house in Collier City [where our church does bi-weekly Adopt-a-Block ministries]
AND we also partnered with Habitat for Humanity for a building project!
I am so thankful that even after working SO hard in the morning we had an AMAZING crew help us MOVE! These are some serving Jesus-followers that give of themselves far past the point of "comfortable" to the point of sacrificial! We love you guys!
Day 2 - Care Pack Collection for Homeless 
Things like pop-top canned goods and meats, peanut butter, water, and personal care items were collected to make about 50 care packs!
Day 3 - Serve at Bethlehem Revisited Event supporting a neighboring Church
The crew from Coastal served 1200 cups of hot cocoa....100 gallons of cocoa.... to the guests walking through Christ's birth reenactment that a local church was hosting!
Day 4 - Care Pack Distribution to homeless in surrounding area
We met people who live in our community, gave food and care packs, chatted, and prayed with the people we met.
Day 5 - Random Act of Kindness - show the Love of Jesus
This was another opportunity to serve in your world of influence! It meant paying for the person behind you, picking up trash, or helping someone in secret!
Day 6 - Write/Give an Encouraging Note
Such a wonderful practice of encouragement! Josh and I have been talking about another thank-you party coming up for our family -- so many people to thank! This was a fun day!
Day 7 - Food Distribution with local food pantry
Day 8 - Invite Saturday for Christmas Eve services
We handed out invite cards to our Christmas Eve services in our neighborhoods and along our way :) Josh was sure to invite baby Jesus -- because, of course, Christmas [and life] would be nothing without HIM!
Day 9 - Hosting Movie Night and snacks at local homeless center
Day 10 - Random Act of Kindness - bless others
My friend Jasmine and the unsuspecting customer in the car she paid for behind her :)Day 11 - Nursing Home/Assisted Living Caroling and Games
Day 12 - Christmas Evening Caroling at local bars
Comment below, I'd love to know:: How to you love to serve in your community?
Bloggers! Head back over to Mitchael Journey starting on Wednesday [December 31st] to link-up your Monthly Goals/New Years resolutions and build a community of encouragement!

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Love all of this opportunities to bless other and share the love of Christ! We are new to our neighborhood and I have found that baking is part of my ministry around here. Baking bread or cookies for the neighbors brings a great opportunity to stop over for a visit and build relationship with people in the community. I pray that our family can be a witness for Christ here (and everywhere we go)!
ReplyDeleteAmy @ http://www.livinglifetruth.com/
What an awesome way to be the hands and feet of Jesus this holiday season! Thanks for making an impact in the world.
ReplyDeleteThis is so great, what a wonderful way to spend some of your holidays. Thanks for linking up with Motivational Mondayo