
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How Our Garden Grows || 1

Step 1 in our gardening adventure was to PICK A LOCATION for the garden

For our gardening, we need pretty much full sun -- so we chose a spot in our side yard based on the fact that the sun rises in front with the fence behind and beside the garden - our garden is the recommended "north to south". There will be some shade on the left side as the day progresses, so we'll plant accordingly. I'm sure I'll figure out the most fruitful area of the garden and may rotate crops with my mulch pile (which I've been keeping in the blue tub) as I learn.
Step 2 to creating our South Florida Garden has been to KILL THE GRASS

My gardening goal this month was to kill the grass, and we are well on our way! Josh and I hauled concrete bricks, stones, and wooden slabs to cover up the grass in order to smother it. Since our garden is going to be bigger than the amount of heavy objects, we added black trash bags to the mix, pinning down the corners. Covering the plot is actually beneficial to planting as well -- keeping the soil nice and warm for germinating. The grass underneath is already starting to look yellowed and sad ... which makes me happy!
Step 3 is creating my veggie list and CHOOSING WHAT TO PLANT

While I kill time as the grass dies, I get to dream a bit! Here is my current list of what I want to plant, and in what form::
  • Spring green mixed [SEEDS] - lots o' salad!
  • Tomatoes [PLANT] - I'm thinking 3-5 plants of different varieties
  • Banana Peppers [PLANT] - 2-3 plants, I believe, for starters
  • Garlic [CLOVES] - I'll probably plant 3-5, need to learn more about how they grow/multiply
  • Carrots [CUTTINGS] - I've started some carrots from cuttings!
    They already have roots and shoots, which gets me excited!
  • Potatoes [SPROUTED] - I'll have to reserve a few from my current Red Potatoes bag to sprout
  • Small Pumpkins [SEEDS] - not right away, but in time for next fall!
  • Green Onions [CUTTINGS] - I bought some today, so I'll save the bases for regrowth.
  • Basil [SEEDS] 
  • Cilantro [SEEDS]
  • Parsley [SEEDS] - but I probably will just grow this for the butterflies :) we'll see if any Black Swallowtail beauties come by our yard to lay their babies on carrot tops or parsley!
Step 4 for me was to begin making some TOOL PURCHASES

You could definitely save some $ in the tools realm if you already have some or purchase second-hand. I had no gardening tools to my name, so we purchased a few items new, choosing items we really wanted.

Josh's Gloves - $12.00 || Andrea's Gloves - $9.00 || Hand Shovel - $6.00 || Hand Tiller - $6.00
MONEY IN for gardening so far:: $33.00

There you have it, here's to all my hopes and dreams for this little plot! We'll see how our garden grows!

Have you ever started a garden? Comment below if you have any tips or posts that may help!
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  1. Another beautiful graphic! And I so wish I had a green thumb! We planted a basil plant this summer because I needed basil for a recipe and buying a whole plant was cheaper than buying it in the produce section. I can't even tell you if the plant is still alive...

  2. Your images are breathtaking- that butterfly- wow, I feel as if I could reach out and touch it! Looks like a great investment project for your family! Seems like you got the green thumb gene in the family! Happy Gardening!!!!

  3. ok, so i see now that the butterfly isn't your capture, but your compilation is flawless!

  4. Thank you so much, Iulia :D haha -- I accidentally killed some basil this year! I hope my garden sustains better than my potted plants thus far -- lol

  5. Yeah, I'm very hopeful! Hopefully when mom comes, we can get started on success :D Thanks Nat!


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