
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Our First Florida Christmas 2014!

After our 12 Days of Serving and Josh's dad's visit, we joined together for a lovely and worshipful Christmas Eve Service! This was a busy week for our family, that's for sure, but it was worth it. We loved celebrating our Savior's birth with our new church community!

Our family Christmas Eve 2014 Josh, Andrea, Marshall (baby 29 weeks along)
Here are some pictures from the one and only Iván Molina Castrillón from our Christmas Eve 2014 at Coastal!

Silent Night by Candlelight! 
Santa and the Elf on the Shelf reading with Marshall and Mrs. Nancy!
And now for Christmas morning!
Look at that anticipation! He was bouncing around all morning -- he knew we were celebrating someone special!
Wrapping paper was much more fun this year :) Plus we caught lizards on the porch! Haha -- that's Florida for ya! Our extended family sent us delightful gifts -- they are so intentional :)
Marshall loved his new wagon and yelled "Merry Christmas" over and over to the neighbors we passed as we strolled down the road to some Christmas Morning park time!
Merry CHRISTmas every day!

Comment below, because I'd love to know!
How was this Christmas new and fresh for your family?

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  1. He is such a cutie!! Congrats on 29 weeks, woo!!

  2. Wow your church looks awesome! That service looks so fun with the band and singer and everything.

  3. These pictures are so sweet!
    Christmas was new for me this year as I spent it in Australia with my boyfriends family, instead of Florida with my own. It was different, and scary.. but I was able to bring a bit of normalcy to it by facetiming my family constantly throughout the day.

  4. This looks so fun! You are looking so pregnant and beautiful btw! :) And catching lizards on Christmas day... I can't really imagine lol. This year was actually the first Christmas that my husband and I have spent together with my family. We were married by this time last Christmas but I was working so this year was extra special because I was with my family and wasn't working :)

  5. Cute pictures! Your little one looks like he ADORED his new wagon. What a fun present!

  6. I have to say, I love my church! Can you believe that they have to set up and tear down every week, because we meet in a high school? Dedicated people :)

  7. Thanks Andrea! I love those aspects of technology that keep us connected with family -- it is so strange to be a "grown up" and do Christmas differently! Where in FL is your family?

  8. Thank you so much, Beth! The wagon was QUITE the hit :) Sometimes he calls it his "dragon"! hehe

  9. Oh Sarah, thank you! Isn't that all so hilarious? I'm so glad you got to relax on into Christmas without having to work. I had to work a bit on Christmas Eve this year -- it is strange to be an adult sometimes :) I'm so glad it was so special!

  10. great post. sadly... my sister's husband lost his only brother/family three weeks before their wedding (Sept 2014) so we had a heartbreaking year that taught us that the only thing that really matters is being together and cherishing our time with one another... church was special as we listened to the choir before, we could feel him with us. we didn't care if it snowed, what we got, the food... it was all about one another and remembering the more important things in life.


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