I was delighted to be asked to do a review for the Pollan Family Table Cookbook! It is simply gorgeous, you can tell that right away! The pictures and stories that gloss the pages are so fun and inspire little ol' me to cook more -- from scratch and creatively.
5 Thoughts::
1 || This cookbook is wonderful for those wanting to expand their culinary skills in a practical and family friendly way.
2 || The recipes are not off-the-wall weird or impractical -- but you may find yourself purchasing some ingredients you have never tried before (I know I have!) which is a GOOD thing! For me, it is a new adventure!
3 || The vibrant pictures of the Pollan family enjoying their recipes and fellowship really pushes me to want the same sorts of experiences in my home.
4 || One thing I LOVE about this cookbook is that it separates the ingredients into their recommended on-hand pantry items and the items that you would have to go to the store to purchase. I think this would be wonderful for dinner planning, if you decided to set up your pantry to their suggestions!
5 || The concept of eating local and natural, filled with veggies is something that is held highly in their family's core. I appreciate the idea of training your children to eat what is healthy with the family while creating family traditions.
I find this cookbook to be so personal and friendly -- You can meet the authors and hear the Pollan Family philosophy in the video below!
Comment below, because I'd love to know -- what do YOU love most about a NEW Cookbook?
*I received a copy of the cookbook for review and one to giveaway to YOU for my honest review!
*I received a copy of the cookbook for review and one to giveaway to YOU for my honest review!
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