Who is Jesus?
So many things come to mind whenever I think of the answer to that question.
How would you answer the same question if your child asked you?
You don't want to say too much and over-complicate your answer, and on the flip side, it can be hard to know how to simply express Jesus. After-all, Jesus is alive and applicable! The story of hope doesn't end with Jesus dead in the grave, but instead as risen from the dead! He conquered death, made a way so that we can no longer live in repeating sin. He is praying for us and preparing a forever home for us. -- we should never shy away from sharing His amazing message and hope! We love our children so much, let's share with them the Hope of the world!
One author has set to a mission to create relevant stories to help children understand the One that has created a forever-life of love and freedom for them, if they choose to believe in Him! Dr. MaryAnn Diorio writes riveting books for women and children that explore in a compelling way the deepest issues of the human heart. She sent me one such text to review, Who Is Jesus? and I love reading it to my kids and adding it to our bookshelf.
This book has darling and captivating illustrations by award-winning illustrator Kim Sponagle and is targeted to share the message of who Jesus is with children ages 2-6. Who is Jesus? is formatted in such a way to show what sorts of things Jesus would do, from a child's perspective, which keeps it super relevant to this age group. The important overarching message -- Jesus is not out to get you, He Loves You!
The curiosity of little kiddos often leaves them pondering things that haven't come to your mind in years, if ever. The format of this children's book follows a pattern of exposing misconceptions:
Does Jesus ________? No, Jesus _________!
“Children ask tough questions that can be particularly challenging to answer,” Diorio says.
“Questions like, ‘Does Jesus love me when I mess up?’ and ‘Did God make me sick?’ The
goal of this book is to help answer these questions from the truth of Scripture, presented in an
engaging and relatable way that young toddlers can understand.”
The simple message is paired with pages of scripture verses to support the concepts. My sister and I discussed these concepts after reading the book, because some things were uniquely expressed and sparked further discussion on who Jesus really is. Jesus is near to us -- He is not distant or maliciously waiting to punish us when we mess up. Not at all.
I love this quote from the author:
“Jesus said ‘Let the little children come to Me,’” Diorio continued. “Sadly, it’s all too easy for
children to become afraid of God. ‘Who is Jesus?’ invites children to come to Jesus, and helps
them understand that He is the Son of God, the Savior of the World, the essence of all that is
good, holy and true and the One whose arms are always open to them.”
“Who is Jesus?” is a 48-page picture book, available in hardcover for $19.95, softcover for
$14.95, and Kindle for $9.95 through Amazon or at www.maryanndiorio.com/bookstore.
*I received a copy of this children's book for my review, but have given only my honest thoughts and accurate information from http://maryanndiorio.com/!
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Thank you so much, Andrea, for reviewing my book. The photos of Leah reading the book to Marshall melted my heart. My desire is to touch the lives of little ones with the love of Christ so that they may know Him as He truly is. Thank you again for taking the time to read my book and write this beautiful review. Many blessings to you and your precious family!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet book. We often talk about who Jesus is with our girls a book like this would be so fun.