
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Previous Entries

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My First Thrive Market order + 25% off for you!

The kids were both sleeping at the same time yesterday afternoon -- so I decided to open my first Thrive Market order! They are all about wholesale-wholesome and are a company that gives back, which I always appreciate!

I'm about to start the adventure of Water Kefir! I picked up starter grains from Thrive, and now I can't wait!

Here is my link for 25% off your first order:: http://thrv.me/RxcQJw! Check out my simple video! Nothing fancy, but still fun for me to share with you!

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Update on My Peeps!

I've been enjoying my time with the kiddos, as hands on and intense as it can be, we have so many sweet moments as well. Right now, Marshall is watching a "little show" and eating frozen banannas and blueberries as I write an update. I'm pretty sleepy and am not quite ready to jump into playtime just yet. We're both content, and I am good with that! Little Ember is sleeping in my room, actually on our bed right now! One of those, feed-her-to-sleep sort of mornings after her diaper change. She's a girl who loves her sleep!

I thought I would share a couple of cute and fun things with you all! I hope you enjoy :) Marshall and I recorded interviews yesterday! I uploaded them to Soundcloud, which Josh thinks is hilarious, since Soundcloud is used primarily by musicians and bands -- but hey -- it works great for these audio files! Growing up, my sisters and I made a "radio show" called "KIDSEZ" and recorded them on cassette tapes on a "Mr. Mike"!

Here are the memories I captured from yesterday::

Sorry it's a bit quiet, but it was so fun! We'll probably do interviews every-so-often for the fun games and memories :) aaand I get to pull out my announcer voice! hehe 
In other news, Josh has been working VERY hard in all realms home and work alike -- including teaching Marshall how to swim! He also cleaned out and painted the garage walls and did an epoxy garage floor paint on the floors! After the kids were in bed, he and I also painted the back porch -- bonding and rewarding :)
Check out that before and after, eh?

Little lady Ember is now 3 months old, so I snapped a few pics while the boys were out picking up paint rollers and supplies::

She's "talking" much more these days and loves to give eye contact. She has darling dimples and has the beginnings of a precious giggle!

I love my peeps!
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Friday, June 12, 2015

Give with Meaning this Father's Day!

Buying for guys can be really hard! Can I get an AMEN?

One of the posts from Mitchael Journey that gets hits pretty much every day from Pinterest is my gift list of items for guys that give back to those in need! Since posting, I've shared several others in the series Gifts that Give Back, and it's now come full circle -- just in time for Father's Day!

Today I'll be sharing 10 unique fair-trade shops and 30 gifts that have a deeper value for the dudes in your life!
"Every product we make is hand-signed by the person who made it. Women and their families are being empowered through the products made at Krochet Kids. Intl and the programs we provide."

2 || Sak Saum - get to know them + shop!
"This is how the battle against human trafficking will be won – one person, one family, one community at a time."

3 || Goodness Cards - get to know themshop!
"For every purchase of our Goodness Card, nonprofits get extra love and financial support while customers and supporters get empowered to bring change to their society."

4 || Open Door Traders get to know them + shop!
" The Haitians taught me so much about the impact of a small gift and share an infectious amount of hope by their smiles, and graciousness even through the hardest conditions. We as Open Door Traders wanted to be a tiny part of that hope with simple gifts of a wooden doll or automobile."

5 || Yellow Leaf Hammocks - get to know them + shop!
"Our artisan weavers and their families were previously trapped in extreme poverty and debt slavery. Now they are empowered to earn a stable, healthy income through dignified work (we call this a "prosperity wage"). This is the basis for a brighter future, built on a hand up, not a handout."

6 || Haiti Made - get to know them + shop!
"Haiti is a country that has been defined by extreme poverty, joblessness and entitlement. 
It is our mission to unite around quality products, economic sustainability, & dignified jobs to fight against Haiti's orphan and child slavery crisis."

7 || Live Worldly - get to know them + shop!
"We invite you to be a part of something bigger, to live worldly."

8 || TOMSget to know them + shop
"With every product you purchase, TOMS will help a person in need. One for One. Through your purchases, TOMS helps provide shoes, sight, water, safe birth and
bullying prevention services to people in need."

9 || BADALA - get to know them + shop!
"In our world today we have enough money to eradicate global poverty, but we need to prioritize our resources. Join hands with me as we take a risk for the greatest reward and let's watch as lives are changed forever."
10 || Ten Thousand Villages - get to know them + shop!
"One day all artisans in the developing countries will earn a fair wage, be treated with dignity and respect and be able to live a life of quality."

What shops would you add to my list?
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bright New Looks from eShakti + $35 GIFT COUPON!

Josh and I were literally just talking about shopping, and how hard it is for me to spend money on myself to purchase staple "grown up" items for my wardrobe. For me, I struggle with buyers remorse from spending "too much" and the overwhelming shopping overload in a mall. I end up buying poor quality items, simply because they were less expensive, and they often don't fit very well. 

Can you relate? I'd love to help your situation! eShakti is a great way to shop online, because you get to buy clothes that are literally tailored to your current body shape! My first experience [during my 2nd trimester] with eShakti was SO fun, and I can't wait to try more -- especially their lovely tops!
New and Improved!
Their website is clean and organized -- and if you haven't checked recently, they've added a Bohemian and Contemporary line so there is so much more to explore! You can pop over during a spare moment without having the huge time commitment of getting out to the store! If you thought they just offered dresses -- I have some fun news! They now have shorts, pants and jumpsuits as well! I like the "View All' feature when I'm scrolling through the pages, just lay them all out in front of me!
Bright Ideas
One idea I had, that could be a cool future feature for eShakti would be a "try on" feature! I did something similar on GlassesShop when I was purchasing glasses. Wouldn't it be neat to see how the clothes might look on you [does it bring out your eyes or coordinate with your hair?] by using a webcam and playing dress-up doll on yourself? Just a fun thought!

For YOU!
eShakti loves giving you discounts and opportunities to have fun styling on their site! Here is an AMAZING gift coupon, be sure to grab it on your way to their site! Thanks eShakti!

GC CODE: MITCHAELJOURNEY35Valid till 06/21/2015
Enter this code in the 'Gift Coupon / Referral Code' box at checkout
Only one gift coupon can be used in an order
Not valid on previous purchases / purchase of gift cards.
This gift coupon cannot be transferred, re-issued or exchanged for cash.
Minimum order value $30.

Comment below, because I'd love to know!
Have you ever purchased clothing online? Have you tried eShakti?
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