
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Our Favorite Educational Shows for Preschoolers!

Sometimes it's just time for a show!!! 
For me this is when my son wakes up 2 hours early in the morning, and I've stayed up late working the night before. OR when I was exhausted when I was pregnant with my second! OR when I need to get the baby down for a nap, and she is having a hard time settling down OR make a phone call OR it's been raining for days OR .... well you get the picture -- sometimes it really helps! Here are some shows that won't give you any mom guilt! I want to feel good about my choices in screen time -- and I want you to have more options too! So, I've complied a list of some of my son's favorite shows or programs that I feel are educational and beneficial! Click on the titles below for the links!
Youtube Shows
We use the Chromecast and cast Youtube to our TV
Language + Math

Endless Alphabet, Numbers, Reader, Wordplay, and Endless Spanish (playlist) teaches spelling, numbers and phonics in a silly way that makes my little Marshall giggle and learn at the same time! This has hours of demo from the entire iPad app, but for FREE! FYI -The Endless Reader app is a free download, but you only get a few words for free. 
Socratica Kids (playlists) teaches how to write letters, phonics, seasons, science and reading -- and much more. What I like about Socratica is that it doesn't "baby" your child, but gives them lots of information to glean. It is like being in a classroom with an energetic teacher!

Phonics Songs (1 hr 30 min) is a phonics compilation that doesn't have any commercials, because it is one complete video.

Physical Education

Cosmic Kids Yoga (playlist) is yoga especially for engaging kids! It is taught in a fun story-telling way and includes stories like The Hungry Caterpillar, Frozen and more adventures! Marshall will do all of the positions on his own yoga mat -- it really keeps him moving! *uses the namaste greeting and a few references to "magic"

Workout for Kids (playlist) here are some of Marshall's favorite kid workouts!

Christian Teaching 

The Jesus Storybook Bible (playlist) select stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum, free for watching on Zondervan's channel. I've complied a playlist of the stories!

What's in the Bible (playlists) has fun puppets teaching and singing about the Bible!

Netflix Series
We use the Chromecast and cast Netflix to our TV

Little Einsteins teaches music, counting, composers and art terms as well as positive friendship values and problem solving. They are very sweet and encouraging to one another!

Super Why teaches little ones how to read, spell and rhyme and fosters a love of reading adventures!

Daniel Tiger does an amazing job teaching how to deal with everyday life as a preschooler! Learn how to calm down, share, deal with frustrations, make believe and develop interactive life-skills. 

LeapFrog has several episodes on Netflix -- teaching shapes, counting, phonics, numbers, alphabet while singing songs and building friendships and communication.  

Puffin Rock is a precious show with lovely UK accents that teaches about nature and friendship!

Those are some starters for you! Enjoy! xo

Linking up with #mamasharesmonday 

Comment below, because I'd love to know!
These are just some of our favorites shows, but I'd love to hear some of yours!
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