It is the morning of Thursday, October 6th, 2016 and we are waiting. We are waiting for updates, we are waiting for unknowns, and we are active in prayer. Hurricane Matthew looks like it is heading for my friends and my family in South Florida, and I am 1,400 miles away. BUT you guys are going to rock this hurricane!
We live in South Florida, literally that is where the weathermen are pointing. So unsettling. BUT this guy is pointing to where the strong people are, where the brave community of hardworking-serving-loving-faithful people of Coastal Community Church live and build their lives! God is faithful in this storm!
Our church body is taking care of each other -- helping provide shelter and finish preparations like installing crucial hurricane shutters, some have even opened their homes to one another. Everyone is stocking up on water, food and fuel, and sharing it around! I am so proud of my community!
There is a yearning to be near to one another. I cannot be there. Not even close. My prayers are with my boys, my prayers are with my friends! You guys are going to overcome and come out of the other side more bonded and strong than ever before!
Prayers for our Haitian brothers and sisters: My beloved Haiti was devastated and we prayed as we received word from our friends in Ti Goave. Pastor Brucelee shared that the people took shelter in the church building. Their lives were spared as they remained together in the church, while their homes were swept away. Some homes that our mission helped them purchase were round metal structures, anchored into the ground. Those that were anchored did not get destroyed. My heart is broken for Haiti and my Haitian friends. You are so treasured, you are so strong.
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