Listening to a new song can wake you up. It catches you considering new thoughts and new hope. There is a song that spoke to my heart the very first time that I heard it at an open mic night in South Florida -- it is called "Yearn Your Love"!
Before hearing this song, I had met this family at Coastal Community Church. A family that has quite a story, an amazing life transformation. This video will help you get to know them:
I'm not sure where you are right now, what you're burdened by, what you're concerned about -- but here is something I do know -- God can take hold of your life and transform you, if you start seeking Him. Start paying attention to Him. Get to know Him, you just might be surprised.
"Your love it soothes, your work done slow. Your love proceeds as my faith grows."
If you are like me and want to see this beautiful soul continue to write and record music, take a moment and download Violet Jeffries' song, "Yearn Your Love"Amazon or iTunes and leave a review to spread the word!
"I yearned Your love and You replied. You granted hope, You saved my life."
Not only do I love this song, and this sound, but my son falls asleep quickly to her lovely melodies several nights a week! For real! I play the song through twice, and before the end my boy is in peaceful sleep! I cannot even begin to express how I know this music can change lives. Such serenity and truth in these words.
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