Here we are already over a month into our new life in South Florida! We love our church - the people in it, the leadership and the TRUTH and HOPE of Jesus that is taught week after week! With Easter coming up next week, I have butterflies in my stomach - I know people will step into our building that only do a few times a year, or maybe it will be their first time to truly hear to the gospel. As with every series we are given 2 or 3 invite cards in our sermon guides during weeks leading up to the next series. This Easter::
So far Josh and I have personally invited a pizza chef and an Enterprise car assessor - we also left an invite card in a pre-paid Aldi shopping cart- I prayed for the person who might receive that card next might find a bit of encouragement and a reason behind it. I wish I actually knew people here other than from church so I could invite others coming out of a natural friendship, but so far, that's still something I'm hoping and praying to have. Apparently, out of the "unchurched" 7 out of 10 will never get invited to church. 8 out of 10 of your friends will come, if you just ask them and 2% of Christians never share their faith --woah! Let's step it up!
Have you ever invited someone to church? Did they come? Did someone ever invite you?
I have joined a She Reads Truth connect group with some AMAZING ladies on Wednesday nights and have gained friendships through studying the book of Acts together and letting ourselves be challenged to take bold action for God's will in our lives.
photo credit to Krystal F.
Josh and the Coastal leadership team traveled to the Arc conference where they heard from wonderful and empowering speakers and met with fellow church planters and leaders!
We have also been pumped about helping in some outreach volunteer projects through Coastal. Josh was able to meet and pray with people at Adopt-A-Block outreach in Collier City. Coastal is faithful to be in Collier twice a month. During this outreach we are able to love people through cleaning up, food distribution, children's activities, visiting people in their homes and much more. Loving God, Loving People & Showing It. I look forward to being involved in their kids outreach during that time called KidsJam!
A few Saturdays ago, I was able to be involved in a clean up at S.O.S Children's Village. We raked and cleaned up over 200 bags of leaves, power washed & trimmed trees.
Photo credit to Krystal F.
Sunday mornings have been truly a blessing! Josh is leading so well, and enjoys getting to know the worship team even more as the weeks progress. It is always good when God's people worship Him in Spirit and in truth. There is definitely an environment created where people can meet with God, maybe even for the first time!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
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