Monday, September 29, 2014
Stay at Home Mom Q & A
I visited a fellow blogger's page and a great Q & A that I thought I would share with you! Pig and Dac's original post HERE! Thanks for the inspiration! I am also linking up with Mamas Tell All!
Are you a Stay at home mom or a Working Mom?
I am currently a stay at home mom, although I have worked part-time here and there since becoming a momma!
What made you come to that decision?
I have always wanted to be the primary caregiver and trainer for my children, and my husband was fully supportive and felt the same way.
Was your mom a stay at home mom or working mom?
My mom stayed home with us (three girls) until my youngest sister was in middle school. At that time she started working, but was always off when we were home.
How old are your children?
I have a 2 year old and a little one growing inside, now at 16 weeks gestation.
Are you part of any mom groups/play groups?
Most of the moms I know here in South Florida work during the day, but I have enjoyed getting together with them when they are able to, for play dates and strolls. I've gone to some toddler library programs, but currently nap time is interfering with the schedule. I would love to be more involved with a mom's group -- especially during the weekdays.
Did you always know you wanted to be a SAHM?
Yes, I didn't know that I wouldn't be in a full-time career for several years first, but I knew when I had kids I wanted to be home with them!
How long do you plan to stay at home?
That IS the question! I have been toggling around on this idea for quite some time -- namely, what schooling will we choose for our kids. I have been researching some different avenues, I was public schooled k-12 myself, but I've recently been wondering if that may not be the best fit for our family. Homeschooling is intimidating to me, but also sounds really cool-- but then I think of the amazing things I loved about my public school life, and it gets me back in the questioning mode. Time to interview Christian parents of quality South Floridian kids!
Did you go to school before becoming a stay at home mom?
Yes! I have a Bachelors degree in Worship Ministries from John Brown University.
If you worked before having children, do you miss it?
I don't think I miss "working" per se -- I enjoy what I do with my family and am learning to embrace this season. What I do miss sometimes is having coworkers to chat with and new people to meet and converse with every day. I miss having the tangible job-well-done accomplishments of completing a task for someone else to evaluate. One day I'll probably go back to work and miss these days, so I won't take them for granted!
What was your job/career before you became a mom?
I worked at Gymboree Play & Music part-time and part-time as an in-home tutor through Club Z! I used my degree on a volunteer basis and did a children's ministry intership at our church, Grace Hills! After my son was born, we moved and I did work part-time at our church as a Children's Ministry Volunteer Coordinator, Community Christian Fellowship.
Do you have a daily routine or just go with the flow day by day?
We have a little bit of routine -- Marsh usually wakes up around the same time each day and naps generally around 11 am. He eats throughout the entire day. Bedtime is generally around 7:30 pm. I would say for the rest of the day, we go with the flow -- because we can!
Do you keep up with the housework or is it shared with your husband/partner?
We share some responsibilities, but I'm responsible for laundry and aiming to tidy and keep up during the day. My husband, Josh has been taking out the trash -- since that's hard to do with a little one in tow and being pregnant. I appreciate that he does that! We both like to cook and shop for groceries together. I like unloading the dishwasher, and he would much rather load it! I work with the bills and find money saving opportunities (rebates, coupons, sales, etc.) while Josh works hard for the family! We're a team :)
Do you do anything on the side to earn extra money? If so what?
Any of those banners or affiliate links could make a few dollars, but I haven't made much though the blog yet. It is more of a hobby, but I would love it if it were to grow! I am looking for more opportunities for a bit of working from home, especially in light of baby #2 coming in March!
What is one thing you love about being a SAHM mom?
I love getting to know my son and witness his growth and train him to do what is right at a young age. With a lot more of his *ahem* "opinions" be shared very strongly at this point, I am glad that I am able to be the one to reprimand and train him rather than another caregiver. I also love being more available to my husband if he needs me to run an errand or take care of something for him. I love that I don't have a super strict "normal" schedule at a job, because my husband's ministry responsibilities can have rather "odd" hours at times. We are able to have some mornings together when he works for the afternoon and evening, and we have Mondays together as a family!
What is one thing you hate about being a SAHM mom?
It can be really hard to not hang out with friends/coworkers or meet people during the day --as an extrovert -- this is the hardest part.
I will pose the same question to you! Leave me some comments below::
What "kind" of mom are you [or do you "plan" to be in the future] (SAHM, Working Mom, WAHM) and how do you feel about it? What do you hate and love about it?
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Post Comments
I hope to be a SAHM in the near future, I'm currently working full time. It's really hard, we will see what happens. I have my substitute teacher certificate so hopefully that will bring in more income. My blog is for hobby too, I don't think it will ever make enough to actually "pay me" haha! I agree with what you said here, this time with our babies is precious. When my children are in school, I hope to go back to work, but until then it will be fun to help them grow and develop. No better job!
ReplyDeleteYou are a hard working momma, Whitney! I know that you are intentional with your little one. I will be praying that you will be able to do what you hope to do and get a bit more time with your littles in the future :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Andrea, that means so much :)
ReplyDeleteI love this Q&A! You're so right, the time we spend with our little ones will never be given back to us. Thanks for linking up to Mamas Tell All!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun way to do this post! love it! :) There are days when I'm so jealous of SAHM's. I really miss not being around my kids all the time. And then there are days when my son really tests me and I want to run away! lol. That's bad to say. Sounds like you're doing a great job. I know it's not easy- so good for you! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post Andrea!
ReplyDeleteThis Q&A is amazing and it truly gives a sense of how you approach being a SAHM. You're doing awesome mama - keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much :D It's quite the adventure! Thank you so much for hosting!
ReplyDeleteThanks Melissa -- SO true -- :) I appreciate that we can all have a mix and match of parenting and providing in our days! Goodness, toddlerhood is insanely different than babyhood -- I have to say, I'm learning a lot through those hard days too...but goodness, they are a challenge!
ReplyDeleteThanks Whitney! I'm checking out your post now :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Brittany :D I had fun interviewing myself, lol! Thanks for your encouragement!