
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Friday, October 10, 2014

Five for Friday!

We made it to Friday dear friends! Look back and look forward -- what are some top 5 that come up in your mind? Here are mine!

one. I'm leaving for the Women of Faith conference "From Survival to Revival" TODAY! I'm all geared up and ready to go! I have a brand new notebook to write words of truth!
Um...check out the Line Up! I. am. pumped.
two. I've been LOVING that people are entering the Bible Giveaway that I'm doing on the blog this week -- one of the entries is to leave a comment on the post sharing why you would like to win the MEV Bible -- and the answers are inspiring! I wish I had a caseload of Bibles to hand out! AND there is still time to enter!
three. I had a lovely midwife appointment in our home on Monday at 18 weeks! I got my blood-work back and everything is looking good. I loved hearing my baby's heartbeat as I laid on the couch -- I'm measuring right on track and have actually started gaining weight rather than loosing :) YAY!

four. Josh and I have been having great discussions and story sharing with the people in our connect group! This week we discussed the Sacred Pathways of the Naturalist and Sensate -- I'm SUCH a Naturalist, and had a grand time listening to others tell stories about God revealing something to them, giving them encouragement or moving their hearts through his creation! I really appreciate the variety of people and backgrounds in our group -- just the way it should be!
...this is me in my natural habitat...being a naturalist and enjoying God's creation - from Hawksbill Crag in Ponca, Arkansas -- because I may be missing autumn in the Ozarks right about now

five. Thursday morning I got to record an announcement video for our church! It was a very new experience for me, and I'm sure it will be weird to see myself on the screen on Sunday morning -- but I had fun time! aaaaand my friend Jessica took some pictures! Cheers to trying something NEW!
What are some great things from your week?
**Don't forget to enter this week's GIVEAWAY! A Modern English Version Bible!
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Linking up today with some super people:: 
Elizabeth from Oak and Oats
Friday Favorites with Jennie of The Diary of a Real Housewife

Friday Favorites with Andrea of Momfessionals

Oh Hey, Friday with Karli of September Farm

High Five for Friday with Lauren of Lauren Elizabeth


  1. I miss you and your beautiful family being here in autumn too. It's not too late, the leaves aren't turning too much yet. Love the pics of happy memories from our hike with just you and your parentals (: I love your recap. It displays your love of God's beauty, the life He is giving you and His care for you. Soak His truths up this weekend!

  2. Stopping by from the link up. Happy Friday! The pictures of you on your hike are amazing! God's artwork is the best out there! Have a great weekend :)

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by :) Aren't those just beautiful views?! His creation is just astounding! Thanks again for commenting!

  4. Alright -- I bought a jet plane and should be heading over this afternoon ... :*( or not... BUT I'm so glad to have the memories -- I think fall will be a great time to schedule our visits in the future :) I can't wait to share with you some stories and lessons from Women of Faith! Love you!

  5. Lovely! Beautiful pictures of you in Arkansas- I wana go there!! So, so glad things are going well with your pregnancy as God knits that beautiful little one! Excited to hear more about your WOF conference! :) and hmm..do we get to see this vid from church!?- cute!

  6. The photo of you on the cliff is BEAUTIFUL. We don't have fall in California, so I love seeing the changing colors!

  7. Don't worry, I was just in the Arkansas fall and it rained the whole time ;) but those fall pictures of you are wonderful!

  8. I'm here from Elizabeth's link up! :)

    Yay!!! For stepping out of your comfort zone for your church! :)

    I have HEARD about life in the Ozarks, but I don't think I've ever seen any pictures like the ones you shared. That IS gorgeous. Still, I think I'd take Florida the rest of the year. Just saying.

    Congrats on the new baby! I hope that your pregnancy goes very well. :)

  9. Hi Victoria! It's so good to meet you :)
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm really glad that I was able to try something new at my church and have a good experience doing that!

    Haha -- true! The winter was rough last year in the Ozarks too - so I am really looking forward to my first "Florida Winter"!

    I'm looking forward to having baby #2 with us in March -- I know he/she will be a game-changing addition to our family! Thanks again for stopping by and commenting! I hope you come back soon :)

  10. Oh my goodness! Haha -- that's funny :) Thanks so much, Beth -- Hawksbill is a gorgeous place to hike!

  11. Thank you, Elise! It was such a lovely day :) The changing colors really adds such an amazing landscape -- but of course now I have the no-fall-syndrome since we live here in South Florida! Thankfully, there are lots of other things to enjoy :)

  12. You totally should take that hike! I think you would really enjoy it -- and it isn't too taxing if I remember right! I bet mom and dad would take you! I need to take a belly picture for you, Nat! I will be reviewing those WoF notes soon and sharing some tidbits -- so much to take in! I shared the sermon vid on my Mitchael Journey FB page -- so you should be able to see the video, I'm not sure if it is at the beginning or end of the message for the online version. <3


Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to hear from you!

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