
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Motherhood Smiles and Stresses

Every day has quite the ups and downs when staying home with a 2-year-old and being pregnant! The Mamas Tell All link-up is going strong again this week with this new topic :) Here are some of my recent smiles and stresses::


Some of my favorite "Marshall sayings" that put a smile on my face
  • "Good to see you, Mama!"
  • "I love you SO much!"
  • "I help you!"
  • "I like it!"
  • "Sing song 'Jesus', Mama!" (Jesus Loves Me)
  • "I love you through-through!" (from the book I Love You Through and Through)
  • "See ya soon!"
  • "Mama, pray!" (anytime of day...he closes his eyes tight and holds his little hands together, nodding in agreement and ending with a big "AMEN!"
The wonder and excitement of discovery
  • ...when he builds with jumbo Leggo's
  • ...as he is figuring out some of the colors
  • ...when we snuggle up and read a book
  • ...when he celebrates when he knows did something good
  • ...as he colors with crayons 
  • ...when joyfully greeting those he loves
  • ...each time we go outside and he points out what he sees
I love seeing his compassion and caring nature -- it gets me excited about his big brother-ness!

And now for Pig and Dac's Toddler Topics link-up -- How to NOT lose patience with your toddler:: 
Stresses [and Remedies]
Honest-to-goodness, the stresses are hard to work on! I often feel like I'm saying and working on the same things every day! Right now the main issues are little man's demanding attitude and general roughness. Spills, messes and broken valuables can eat away at a person. It is so nice to have the "smiles" sprinkled amidst the frustrations!

Here are some of my go-to remedies to try and help in tense or out-of-control situations:
  • Attack with silliness - Tickle monster, goofy song, weird voice/strange face, kisses
  • Be consistent with consequences corresponding with offenses - time IN, time OUT (with 2 min timer)
  • Change activities
  • take Deep breaths (both of us!)
  • give Eye contact and lower the volume, reinforce expectations
  • Fold those hands and pray together -- this really helps me and my son -- for real
  • Go outside
  • get some Help -- I'll switch with my husband while I cool off, or have a friend over
What are some of the ups and downs you're facing -- what has helped?
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Linking up today:: The So-Called Homemaker and Toddler Topics


  1. Ok, YES- I really appreciate the A,B,C reminders and specifically the time in (being held) time out (alone time) differentiating between those and being attentive to what our little ones need! I've pinned this for those harder days and an encouraging reminder to PRAY with your little one- we'll be working on that- they are watching us! You are an amazing mama, and you've got such an amazing little boy in Marshall- so fun getting to watch his colors and learning yesterday, he's such a little JOY! Thanks Andrea!!

  2. Thank you, Natalie <3 I love swapping ideas and tips with you and living life together even when we're apart! I am so glad we got to catch up for awhile today -- it is so easy to talk to you :)

  3. I love the smiles. Have you ever read the book "I love you this much"? My son LOVES that one. (I do too). Look it up- it's got bear illustrations in it. The ABC's to calm down is pretty amazing too. Sometimes I forget to take deep breaths and calm down, but we're getting there. Such a great post, mama!

  4. He has some really cute sayings! Thanks for linking up to Mamas Tell All!

  5. I love how you went super positive with this and added ways to deal with the stress. I love being a mom and wouldn't trade it for the world!!!

  6. As an introvert, I've discovered "H" is one of the most important things for me. It's tough when it's just me and the boys, but I can usually get them occupied for 5 minutes to recompose myself. They know by now what it means when I say "Mama needs a break!" Or, I wait until my husband comes home and take 30. :) I also love "G." With boys, it's so very very necessary!

  7. Oh goodness! I haven't -- but I'll have to check it out :) We live right by the library! It is crazy how riled up I can get when a toddler is pushing my buttons -- trying to set the example of how to calm myself even when I get angry -- so hard! <3 Thanks for commenting, Melissa :)

  8. I have really enjoyed linking up! Thanks so much :) aaand goodness -- he melts my heart <3

  9. Whew, YES! Asking for help is one of the things my husband has worked to teach me! I am starting to realize that 2 year old boys have no business being inside all day -- no wonder it can make me crazy! :) The day goes SO much better when we explore :)

  10. Thank you for sharing! I love the positives you have listed here. I find it so hard sometimes to ask for help! I know I need to do it more often but I can't help but want to be that perfect mama.

  11. Thanks so much, Rachel! I know how you feel about asking for help! I think we could all come alongside one another a bit better :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting! It means a lot :)

  12. Genius, momma! These are the best ways to keep your cool and have patience with our sweet kids (who love to test the limits at times, ha!) Thanks for sharing!!

  13. Thanks so much, Courtney! It is quite the learning process, and I hope I'm getting better at going for those good resources and tools! <3


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