
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nap Time Means My Time - Making time for Mama

Mamas need their break times to relax and recharge! This week's topic for Mamas Tell All is --
How do you make time for Mama?
October 19 

When I get a chance, I love to go on a date with Josh! Getting out as a couple really feeds my love language of Quality Time with face-to-face conversation with my best friend.
During the day, I try and use nap time to refresh! Sometimes this means simply making myself food, taking a bath, reading or watching HGTV :) Often I try and nap as well, yet other times I find that catching up on laundry, dishes or projects helps me feel like I got ahead and accomplished things, which helps my mindset for the day!

Another way I regain sanity is to get outside and get exercise by going on a stroll. I often call my Arkansas family during my walks or listen to a downloaded audio-book from the library (right now I'm listening to Cleaning House - a book about ridding kids of youth entitlement)
I also love when I have the chance to get out with friends! Last semester I joined a women's Faith Art Journaling weekly connect group -- it really fed my love-cup! Josh got to have Dad time with Marshall, and I was out for a fun evening with the ladies once a week!
Recently, I really got to go on a retreat -- to a women's conference called Women of Faith! I learned so much, and was refreshed in my soul, encouraged in the most important things in life and inspired in the everyday!
the boys getting their time together
One thing I aim to regularly do is volunteer with my church, whether it is Adopt-a-Block, worship ministries, or children's ministries. I really am blessed by being able to love others and share the hope of Jesus!

Comment below, because I'd like to know:: What are your favorite ways to rest and recharge?

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  1. I love HGTV! What's your favorite show? Thanks for linking up to Mamas Tell All!

  2. That book sounds good! I love to be outside or craft to recharge

  3. My daughter doesn't nap and I'm a single mother so my refreshing pretty much happens WITH her haha. SO my refreshing time is when Lyla sits down to eat lunch or color and I run to my TV and marathon watch GIlmore Girls with some junk food hahah.

  4. A nice walk outside is always refreshing!

  5. HGTV and I are best friends. Whenever I get a chance I'll watch as much as I can! haha! and walks are the best aren't they? My kids LOVE being outside so it helps getting some fresh air and thinking :)

  6. For SURE :D HGTV is a pal! I'm so thankful for nice weather to get outside! It just makes such a difference, you're right!

  7. YES! I have been enjoying The Property Brothers recently :D

  8. Oh Keri -- the book really is brilliant! Mmm perfect! Crafting is so lovely! I organized my button jar yesterday! haha -- instead of my closet, which actually needs it!

  9. I love going on walks too! I've never thought of the audio book thing! I should try that. I love calling family during that time though. Great ideas for all mommas!

  10. Hahah so often I am organizing the smallest thing avoiding a big thing! Haha. Takes small steps right?!

  11. I love to go for a long walk too!! After working all week though I definitely nap when the baby naps haha! I forgot to put volunteering on mine. I always feel like a REAL person/woman after help serve my church and/or community. Great post!!

  12. Great Post! It's so funny as I've read through these posts one things that is common, other than we all have less personal time as moms, is that we use that personal time to take care of things in the house (laundry, dishes...). I think it's great that beyond that, you have time to open your heart to discovering more about your faith and you commit time for service to others. Thanks for sharing!

  13. That's a good one! I love House Hunters International and Renovate to Rent. :)

  14. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Molly! The audio books are really wonderful, and also calming to my son as we stroll! Sometimes I'll use headphones, but a lot of times I just have him listen as well! I am curious about how napping will go with 2 kids! whew -- a whole new world, I imagine!

  15. I wish we could go on some walks together, Whitney :) I totally agree about feeling empowered by giving and serving :) Thanks!

  16. Oh my goodness, Brittany! I thought it was hilarious about the cleaning too -- I read everyone else's post after mine and didn't realize! Thanks for your encouragement :)


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