
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Back || a discussion on daylight savings and season's change

"Fall Back" is the best, right? Everyone's favorite day of the year -- to get an hour extra of beautiful sleep or to spend one more hour staying up to do something you enjoy! ... it's the bestexcept, sadly, if you're a parent of a little one who didn't get the memo. 
As you all are well aware -- daylight savings happened this weekend as we let our clocks and phones "Fall Back" and hour and adjust to the changes in light and seasons. On Saturday night we went to bed early (per usual) in anticipation of an early morning of set-up [we meet at a high school] and rehearsal for Sunday church services. 

Josh set his alarm for 3 am to get everything rolling on the day -- and we seriously sat there for several minutes discussing what the oven clock should say when he wakes up as opposed to his hopefully changed over phone time ... and what would happen if his phone didn't change. Did you have to seriously concentrate to make sure you had it right? We finally got our sleepy heads on straight and went to bed with confidence. 

My alarm was set for 5:45 am since I was singing on the worship band and needed to drop my little son at a friend's house beforehand (they're seriously the best!). Memories of last year's "Fall Back" were not fresh in my mind, but I remembered that it threw off my son's schedule. He typically wakes up between 6:30 and 7 each morning, no matter when he goes to bed. Sunday morning ... he woke up for the day at 5:15 am ... which, although early, worked out well -- and we were even able to have scrambled eggs for breakfast before his drop-off. However, he is STILL waking up at 5:15 every morning ... which makes this pregnant lady (and her husband) very worn out! 

I keep trying to adjust his naps and bedtime later into the new schedule in hopes that it will help the mornings, but it actually has been making matters worse -- but I'm too afraid to put him down super early, with fears of him waking up at 4:15 am! He's getting less sleep overnight now, which is wearing him down a bit.

Does anyone have any suggestions other than giving it some time? How did your "Fall Back" go?

Maybe I'll just switch to being my mom, up right at dawn and getting her day started and productive! Oh, but I love my sleep :) Thankfully the weather is gorgeous in South Florida right now! I can comfortably go on a walk during any time of the daylight hours and enjoy a nice breeze and stroll! Which is great for meeting my November Goals!!
 The view through our "Florida Room" the screened in back porch out our sliding glass door, which we can often leave open for air to flow through the condo!

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  1. I am in SE GA and the weather is oh so nice!


  2. Geesh I used to like daylight savings time when I was younger because of the extra sleep. Now I can't say its worth it because of how early it gets dark and I really struggle with that. I can't begin to imagine how much I won't like it when I have kids- I think that's somethhing you never think about till you have kids (I'll consider myself fairly warned though haha). Hope your little guy starts sleeping a little longer!

  3. Mmmm that sounds lovely! I like having some variety -- and this "cool" front in FL helped me out!

  4. Oh goodness -- thanks! It is crazy -- we're pretty much blacked-out by 6:00! Hopefully you'll just totally luck out when you have kids! My sister's little girl is 1 and went through a growth spurt, so she just wants to sleep in -- perfect timing for them :) Little man is still not changed over...almost a week later. Hopefully in the next couple of days we'll hit a normal!

  5. It is no fun when you have kids! My kids have been so off with it- mainly the toddler! Today they all finally slept until 6 which was huge success! Hang in there- things will adjust eventually!

  6. Florida? Sigh. Kansas is preparing for an "arctic blast" next week. My toddler is an early riser, too -- 5:30 a.m. most days; up with daddy as he gets ready for work. Hope your son gets adjusted!

  7. Thanks so much Keri -- I think we're hitting a new stride, we've had a couple of mornings that weren't 5:30 wake up calls over the past few days, so I am thankful and hopeful! :)

  8. Oh goodness, Erin! I heard that on the radio, time to get those cute layers going, right?! I'm curious when the switch-over will happen when you have to drag the kiddos out of bed as they get older, ya know? Thanks for taking time to comment!


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