I received a really fun email this month! One of my fellow bloggers, Tina [Kristina] nominated me for a Liebster Award -- a sort of new-bloggers-welcome-to-the-internet sort of award!
My new friend, Tina, blogs at Go-Big-Or-Go-Home.com, you should check her out and follow her on social media :)
1- What's your blog about?
My blog centers around my our journey in worship ministry, raising kids, marriage, natural living and all sorts of experiences in between!
2- What did you want to be when you grew up?
Up until my senior year of high school I had told everyone I wanted to be a veterinarian. I read all kinds of books, helped wounded animals that the cats dragged in and even shadowed multiple times at the local vet office. I knew the statistics about people wanting to be a vet when they're young and not achieving their "dream" and I wanted to prove everyone wrong. At some point along the way I started to get frustrated with the amount of money people spend on animals, and how obsessed some of the clients were about their animals. I had recently traveled on missions trips and I started realizing more and more, things seemed out of balance -- after all -- people are more important than animals. However, I wanted to prove that I wasn't a statistic. It wasn't until my dad said to me, "Just because you've always told people you want to be a vet, doesn't mean you have to". That opened a whole new world to me. I could be anything I wanted to be! It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders with that empowering truth. It opened me to all sorts of possibilities:: music. worship. ministries. wife. mommy.
3- What is your favorite beauty product?
This is a tough one for me! I haven't been super loyal on beauty products, and often change brands and products frequently. Soooo I'm going to have to go with "mascara" not any particular brand, but that would be the one thing I would put on if I could choose only one item of makeup :) there ya go!
4- What brand is your favorite pair of jeans?
My favorite pair of jeans is from the Gap from my hubs!
My favorite pair of jeans is from the Gap from my hubs!
5- Tell me about your favorite day in your life!
One of the very best days ever was getting married to the love of my life! Here's the story of our special day from his perspective :) I loved seeing so many friends and family and leaving hand-in-hand with my man!
One of the very best days ever was getting married to the love of my life! Here's the story of our special day from his perspective :) I loved seeing so many friends and family and leaving hand-in-hand with my man!
6- Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging as a sort of journal and then when we moved away from our family and friends in Arkansas it became a way to stay connected. Now I'm able to connect with people I've never even met, it is a really neat element of the blog! Learn more about my start here!
I started blogging as a sort of journal and then when we moved away from our family and friends in Arkansas it became a way to stay connected. Now I'm able to connect with people I've never even met, it is a really neat element of the blog! Learn more about my start here!
7- Where is your favorite place in your house?
I love our living room -- we have a fun rug, plenty of room for guests and on cool days, we can open up the windows and the sliding glass door and let the air breeze through, it is quite lovely!
I love our living room -- we have a fun rug, plenty of room for guests and on cool days, we can open up the windows and the sliding glass door and let the air breeze through, it is quite lovely!
8- Coffee or tea?
Tea :) Chai tea! Sooo smooth and spicy!
Tea :) Chai tea! Sooo smooth and spicy!
9- Tell me about your favorite DIY project.
I'd have to say that my favorite DIY project was probably digging and building my own pond in my backyard growing up! I raised tadpoles, minnows, snails, and water hyacinths :)In recent months, I've been loving my gardening projects -- and it has become a little blog series::
10- Where do you get outfit inspiration?
I don't go "looking" for outfit inspiration, most of the time. I choose what I like, and a lot of the time, what ends up happening is my hubs buys clothes he likes or vetoes clothes I've had for too long that I have to make apologies for :)
Join me starting tomorrow for My Monthly Goals link-up! Feel free to add your link anytime during the week :) I'd love to see what you plan and hope to accomplish in April!
Alright people -- here is a chance to grow in community and find some really cool blogs and posts! Link-up below for Tuesday Talk and have a great party!Join me starting tomorrow for My Monthly Goals link-up! Feel free to add your link anytime during the week :) I'd love to see what you plan and hope to accomplish in April!
Whitney from Polka Dotty Place || Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things || Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims || Keri from Living in This Season || Sarah from Abiding In Grace || Lauren from Simply Free || Andrea {ME!!} from Mitchael Journey || Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones || Mandy from Almond Place || Teressa from Teressa Jane

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