
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Friday, May 22, 2015

Who Is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

So many things come to mind whenever I think of the answer to that question.
How would you answer the same question if your child asked you? 

You don't want to say too much and over-complicate your answer, and on the flip side, it can be hard to know how to simply express Jesus. After-all, Jesus is alive and applicable! The story of hope doesn't end with Jesus dead in the grave, but instead as risen from the dead! He conquered death, made a way so that we can no longer live in repeating sin. He is praying for us and preparing a forever home for us. -- we should never shy away from sharing His amazing message and hope! We love our children so much, let's share with them the Hope of the world!

One author has set to a mission to create relevant stories to help children understand the One that has created a forever-life of love and freedom for them, if they choose to believe in Him! Dr. MaryAnn Diorio writes riveting books for women and children that explore in a compelling way the deepest issues of the human heart. She sent me one such text to review, Who Is Jesus? and I love reading it to my kids and adding it to our bookshelf.
This book has darling and captivating illustrations by award-winning illustrator Kim Sponagle and is targeted to share the message of who Jesus is with children ages 2-6. Who is Jesus? is formatted in such a way to show what sorts of things Jesus would do, from a child's perspective, which keeps it super relevant to this age group. The important overarching message -- Jesus is not out to get you, He Loves You!
When my sister, Leah came to visit -- she enjoyed reading this story to Marshall. You can see how darling it is! It is important to me that Marshall understands what Jesus is all about, and how He encourages us to live. 

The curiosity of little kiddos often leaves them pondering things that haven't come to your mind in years, if ever. The format of this children's book follows a pattern of exposing misconceptions: 
Does Jesus ________? No, Jesus _________!

“Children ask tough questions that can be particularly challenging to answer,” Diorio says. “Questions like, ‘Does Jesus love me when I mess up?’ and ‘Did God make me sick?’ The goal of this book is to help answer these questions from the truth of Scripture, presented in an engaging and relatable way that young toddlers can understand.” 
The simple message is paired with pages of scripture verses to support the concepts. My sister and I discussed these concepts after reading the book, because some things were uniquely expressed and sparked further discussion on who Jesus really is. Jesus is near to us -- He is not distant or maliciously waiting to punish us when we mess up. Not at all. 

I love this quote from the author:

“Jesus said ‘Let the little children come to Me,’” Diorio continued. “Sadly, it’s all too easy for children to become afraid of God. ‘Who is Jesus?’ invites children to come to Jesus, and helps them understand that He is the Son of God, the Savior of the World, the essence of all that is good, holy and true and the One whose arms are always open to them.”

“Who is Jesus?” is a 48-page picture book, available in hardcover for $19.95, softcover for $14.95, and Kindle for $9.95 through Amazon or at www.maryanndiorio.com/bookstore.
*I received a copy of this children's book for my review, but have given only my honest thoughts and accurate information from http://maryanndiorio.com/!

Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday Talk

Good morning! Thank you for heading over to Mitchael Journey this morning to link up and get to know our family a little bit more! 

I hope that you Mamas out there had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend :) Sunday was a bit hilarious for me because the beginning of the day was exactly normal. My kids are at an age that has no clue that they're supposed to be extra-specially nice to me! haha
Little man decided to get out the yogurt while I was changing his sister in the other room -- I just had to snap some pictures and laugh at the mess! These are the good ol' days of motherhood!

One of my favorite moments this week was when Josh said Ember was "too little" for one of Marshall's big-boy toys. -- to which Marshall replied, "She's not too little! She's just right!" 
8 weeks and 11 little pounds of just.right!
At church I received a darling carnation and got to view a sweet video -- which had my little dude in it! :) So special! How was your Mother's Day?

Happy Mothers Day. We Love You!!!
Posted by Coastal Community Church on Sunday, May 10, 2015
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Welcome to Tuesday Talk! As always, you are welcome to link up any post, as long as you follow these lovely ladies below (they are your hostesses!) and grab that purple Tuesday Talk button and link back, so that others can join in the party, open to everyone!
Becky from BYBMG || Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls
Whitney from Polka Dotty Place || Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things || Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims || Keri from Living in This Season || Sarah from Abiding In Grace || Lauren from Simply Free || Andrea {ME!!} from Mitchael Journey || Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones || Mandy from Almond Place  || Teressa from Teressa Jane

Having all these hosts, any post you link up appears on all of our blogs! Another really cool aspect about this link-up is that we have a group Pinterest board that myself and the other hosts post to! I am excited to choose a few of my favorites from this week and pin them to the board! Be sure to add our button below if you want to be featured!
Mitchael Journey

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nursing-Teething Necklace Giveaway! || My Natural Baby

New babies are sooo sleepy! Ember and I have really hit our stride and are matching much better now in regards to supply and demand during nursing :) I enjoy her sweet ice cream smell and the snuggles we share together, gosh I love that girl!
Right around 3 or 4 months of age I'll be anticipating a change. When baby's vision improves, distraction during nursing can cause quite an issue! The little ones are contentedly nursing away, and then something catches their little eyes or ears and whoosh their head turns away, and your nursing sesh becomes a little game of trying to keep the little one focused! 

Have you ever seen necklaces like these? A wonderful new friend and blogger [Best of Baby Lady], Iulia asked me to join her in a teething necklace giveaway! I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity, and am so excited to share with you a little about it!Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com She says they are MAGIC when it comes to grabbing a baby's attention.  Wearing this while nursing will draw your little one's focus back to where it needs to be - your chest. And they offer tactile engagement so it gives them something to pull on other than your hair or your bra strap. Here's my girl Iulia and her sweet daughter showing off the merchandise! Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com  But not only is it a great nursing necklace, it also doubles as a teething necklace.  The beads are made from baby-safe silicone that are soft to chew on and soothing on aching gums. I know when Marshall was little, he would tug and chew on my necklaces, so much so, that I just stopped wearing them altogether -- this necklace design is a great way to meet your little one at their stage and needs!Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com And to top it all off, it's super cute!  You can wear it as you would any other necklace, except this is one you actually WANT your baby to fiddle with.  It comes in really handy when it's milk time or just to keep an antsy baby occupied while being held. Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com MNB 11A You can purchase these nursing/teething necklaces from several different places, but Iulia's favorite  (the research queen) is from My Natural Baby.  Why? 3 reasons:
1) They're BEAUTIFUL - They come in so many cute colors and styles. Their Sugargems line is particularly striking. 

2) They're SAFE - My Natural Baby uses FDA approved, food grade silicone beads, that are free from BPA, PVC, phthalates, lead, cadmium or heavy metals.  (Which, believe it or not, is not so uncommon in baby things).  If my baby is chewing on it, I want it to be as non-toxic as possible! 

3) They WORK - Visually interesting, tactile stimulation, and they promote development of fine motor skills.  Plus, they love it! I mean, look at this bub...happy, no? Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com My Natural Baby is a family run business offering eco-living products that are good for both mommy and baby.  The owners, Kelvin and Kelly, have two precious daughters.  In their years as parents, they have researched, tested, evaluated and weeded out countless of natural and organic products, so they are able to offer you the best of the best in their shop. MNB 9 But not only are they knowledgeable, they're also generous :)  My Natural Baby is offering one lucky reader their choice of a Sugargems teething/nursing necklace.  Have a silly, distracted baby?  Or maybe you just want a cute new necklace?  Enter below!  But if you'd rather not take your chances on winning, Kelly is offering free shipping for any orders over $30 Australian...but that's actually only $24 US...a steal! Use code BESTOFBABY at checkout :)
Distracted baby solutions thebestofbaby.com
 (Note: Babies should not be left to play with these necklaces.  Although they are teethers, they are for mamas to wear, not for babies to play with on their own.  This can pose a strangulation hazard.)
Iulia from Best of Baby was given this necklace in exchange for her honest review.  All opinions are her own. Myself and other bloggers promoting the giveaway were not compensated in any way.
My Natural Baby Sugargems Nursing/Teething Necklace

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday Talk || Updates

There are so many great opportunities and resources presented this past week on the blog! 
Win a book here || Link-up May goals here || Garden progress here || Slow the rush here
Get social with Mitchael Journey
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Welcome to Tuesday Talk! As always, you are welcome to link up any post, as long as you follow these lovely ladies below (they are your hostesses!) and grab that purple Tuesday Talk button and link back, so that others can join in the party, open to everyone!
Becky from BYBMG || Beth from Our Pretty Little Girls
Whitney from Polka Dotty Place || Elizabeth from All Kinds of Things || Tara from Mrs. Coach Sims || Keri from Living in This Season || Sarah from Abiding In Grace || Lauren from Simply Free || Andrea {ME!!} from Mitchael Journey || Jessica & Katie from Sweet Little Ones || Mandy from Almond Place  || Teressa from Teressa Jane

Having all these hosts, any post you link up appears on all of our blogs! Another really cool aspect about this link-up is that we have a group Pinterest board that myself and the other hosts post to! I am excited to choose a few of my favorites from this week and pin them to the board! Be sure to add our button below if you want to be featured!

Mitchael Journey
I can't wait to pick my personal favorites! 
I could be sharing your post on social media! 

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