
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Friday, May 1, 2015

The Best Yes - Book Review + GIVEAWAY {3 WINNERS!}

Do you ever get torn or confused between what you should do, what you want to do and what you feel obligated to do? How are you supposed to make wise decisions and live your life in the design and purposes God would have you do?

For the longest time, I made my decisions based on what was the "nice" or "good" thing to do. This concept worked pretty well for me in high school. Say yes to good things and good people, say no to the bad crowds and sins. It seemed straight forward to me. However, as more decisions in life were placed in my hands and more options were presented to me, this method actually caused me to face several issues. I was not used to saying "no" when I needed to and ending up busy. This was especially the case in college, so many great things to say "yes" to. All of them were "good" things -- like prison ministry, prayer groups, children's ministries, mission trips, justice groups, choir, etc. How was I supposed to know how to make the wise decision? I couldn't do it all ... What was The Best Yes? 
I learned so much about how to navigate the world of decision making from reading The Best Yes by Lysa TeurKerst that I have a desire to share it with other people! I contacted Proverbs 31 Ministries, and they gave me 3 copies of the book to GIVEAWAY to readers like you!

A few things I love about The Best Yes::

1 || It offers new information to process

What I love about this book is that it is not one of those I've-heard-all-of-this-before sort of titles. No. It offers new insight and perspectives on our lives as women and as people in our current society.

2 || It is applicable and makes sense!

The Best Yes is such a well organized text, with a full outline and reference tool of Things I Don't Want You to Forget at the end of the book, that you can flip through and reread to be reminded of important truths and their corresponding chapter.

3 || There is plenty to share with others!

I have had so many conversations based on things I've learned from the text. This book would be a wonderful choice for a small group or book club to read and discuss. There is actually a DVD curriculum and study guide, so don't be intimidated by your role in leading the group. Consider it, because could be a BEST YES for you!

4 || Concepts are presented through scripture and stories

Lysa TerKeurst shares vivid stories and analogies that connect my memories to the concepts she presents.
There is no perfect decision -- it can be the right choice, but there will always be imperfections within the choice. ~ The Best Yes
I love that Lysa brings new light to biblical examples. She breaks them down and gives her perspectives on how God can empower those truths in our lives. So often I brush over familiar passages of scripture, thinking, "I've heard this story before". That, of course, is a negative practice on my part. I am encouraged to look through the Bible as it truly is living and active [Hebrews 4:12] -- and allow it to continue to shape my choices, actions and thoughts. There are 48 scripture passages throughout the book.

5 || I like Lysa! She is one wise woman!
I had the privilege to go with some ladies to the Women of Faith conference this year. There, I was able to hear Lysa speak, and even wrote about it on the blog. Lysa talks about seeking wise counsel, not just going to the people that will easily agree with you and support your ideas without giving you an alternate perspective. I really appreciate that distinction.

In honesty and humility Lysa shares something that I hope I can internalize here, even in the first stages of motherhood. I've highlighted some of those thoughts in the quote below:
And you know what I'm tempted to do as a mom? Draw a straight line from my child's wrong choice to my weakness in mothering ... And that's exactly where Satan wants us mamas to stay. Paralyzed.  
But what if that's the wrong line to draw? What if I'm supposed to draw a straight line from my child's wrong choice to my strength in mothering?  
What if God said, "...What mama is willing to be humbled to the point of humiliation, yet not blinded to the wisdom found like diamonds in dirty places? ... What mama will be courageous enough to let Me write her child's story". p 218 ~ The Best Yes
6 || There are LOTS of resources

Proverbs 31 Ministries has shared a preview of the first session in the DVD series along with a few other freebies!
The free mobile phone screensaver has been a wonderful thing for me. When I pick up my phone, I am presented with the question, "Is this my best yes?" and my actions, and time spent on my phone, change as a result.

Now's your opportunity -- Enter by clicking below! Be sure to share with your friends :)
Don't wait, grab your copy HERE!
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