
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Friday, May 1, 2015

My Monthly Goals - May 2015 - #friendswithgoals

April was a transitional month for me and my family. We have been getting back in the swing of things, reorganizing and refocusing. I have to say, I like how April went! I hope that May can be just as beneficial. Taking stock of what we have and what we're doing and adjusting to The Best Yes for our family!

First things first, here's how things went for my
April Goals:: 
1 || Fully engage in the staff connect group Freeway: A Not-So-Perfect-Guide to Freedom
I'm lovin' it! Enjoying the freedom in Christ I'm growing in through this book and group and have only missed one ... when my sister was in town :)
2 || Record bedtimes/wake times of Marshall and myself! -- oops...nope!
I didn't end up doing this much. I guess I didn't know when to consider "bedtimes" when I had to get up in the night a bit for one kid or the other sometimes around midnight etc. I figured, maybe not looking at the clock would help my sanity in the end :)
4 || Transition well back to work  -- working on it!
I've been working too hard, and have modified my hours to accommodate my family -- 29 hours a week proved too much (I thought it might), and my manager has worked with me on this. I will be down to 14 hours a week starting May 11th!
5 || Stay healthy
I got a cold the first week in April - congestion mostly. Knowing I had set this goal, I was super disappointed at first on this one. BUT I decided to KICK this cold in the face -- upping my vitamin C and Zinc intake, drinking shots of Apple Cider Vinegar, drinking more water, cutting out sugar, eating garlic, gargling with salt water, and doing a Oregano Oil nose spray! Whew! Let's just say, that cold didn't last much longer after that!
6 || Write an update [or two] on my garden!
YAY! I wrote one HERE!

I'll be continuing to incorporate my Goals for the New Year in the coming months as I plan my May goals, and the months that follow. 
1 || Go on a date [or two!] with Josh
It's been over 6 weeks since our last date, so this is moving up to #1 priority. Sure we have to bring along our little baby girl, but she's a sweetheart!
the handsome and the silly one
2 || Be more supportive
At times, I can drag and get whiny and complain. It is my goal this month to encourage my husband intentionally, cheer him on when he leaves the house for work, rather than give a mopey good-bye.

3 || Get rid of 10 items per week
This idea came from one hundred dollars a month. I've started a box already, but basically you walk around the house and add 10 things to donate in order to de-clutter and give! It's kinda like a game!

4 || Don't get sick, get energy
Amp up that healthy eating and supplementing. Hopefully I can meet this goal and feel great this month!

5 || Begin exercising again
Now that I'm 6 weeks postpartum, it is time to get moving! I'm hoping to time out some morning walks with the kiddos.

6 || Save my paychecks
I want to save as much as I can from my part-time income, after we give to the church. I'd love to put the remainder entirely in savings -- so I'll let you know how that goes :)

7 || Share The Best Yes with others
Literally! I'm hosting a giveaway [3 copies of The Best Yes] during these first several days of May to encourage readers and friends to be intentional about their decision making! Be sure to enter here.
Now, it's your turn! What are some goals that are important to you for the month of May?
Bloggers, be sure to link-up below, and encourage one another! Others, please leave your goals in the comments below! I would love to see you come back to check in the 1st of each month with your progress! 
Link-Up Rules: 
Must be a monthly goals post from the current month || Add link-up button or link back in some way || Leave an encouraging comment on at least the link right before yours || Follow your host(s)

Optional FUN:
add the hashtag #friendswithgoals on social media || Follow the Link-Up Pinterest board || contact ifrog4fr {at} gmail.com to host/co-host [for free!]
Mitchael Journey

How did your goals go last month?
Why do you set goals?
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  1. Thanks for hosting! Oh love to declutter it I so freeing! Where did you find oregano nose spray?

  2. Thanks for hosting again this month, I can't wait to see how everyone has done! :)

  3. I love that you're turning decluttering into a game! A while back I saw a blogger empty out each drawer entirely, get rid of the items she no longer wanted and then she figured out the percentage of stuff she decluttered. I thought it was a neat idea and an eye opener when you realize that 76% of what you had in that drawer is stuff you never use!

  4. I love the idea on decluttering. I generally go through the house regularly and get rid of things (especially clothes), because I can't stand the clutter.
    And good luck getting back into your exercising routine. Walking daily really helps me make sure I'm getting up and moving.

    Good luck with all your monthly goals!


Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to hear from you!

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