
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Previous Entries

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

She Reads Truth - Justice Day #2

What is Justice?

I have been really encouraged to be faithful in this study, and am so glad that I am able to share with you all! Here we are at Day 2 in the She Reads Truth Study of Justice! To catch up with yesterday's devotion click HERE. I think it is really inspiring that the devotional today was written by Bethany Hoang, the Director of the  nstitute for Biblical Justice for the International Justice Mission. She focused on seeking after the ONE who created justice and the ONE who came to set the prisoners free, Jesus. 
Upon reading the related scriptures Matthew 20:1-16Psalm 146:5-9Deuteronomy 16:18-20Psalm 33:4-5 and the devotional HERE I wrote out this prayer: 

Dear Lord -- I know that there have been generations where your people are blind to see injustices that you desire for us to work against and people to fight to save. So often it is something that a culture is used to seeing, what they are used to doing, or how they believe the world works. I pray that I will not be blind to the injustices in the world around me. Help me to not see oppression as normal or right. Keep me from supporting or permitting injustice or perverted justice. I want to see things the way that you do, Jesus. Lead me to freedom -- and give me boldness to bring others with me. Thank you for always being upright, steadfast and faithful in your work and your word. 

Your daughter, 

 This leads me to ask the question - 
What oppression or injustice do you think we are failing to work against?
images courtesy of shereadstruth.com

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

She Reads Truth JUSTICE - Day #1

Let's Begin at the Cross

Today is the day! The Justice Study from She Reads Truth is now live and active in the hearts of women across the globe! What an amazing thing. Let's jump right in to today's study, my little son is in bed for his nap -- so now is the time!
Today's scripture reading Text: Romans 5:12-21John 18:28-40John 3:16-17
Today's FULL devotional can be found HERE!

While reading through the scriptures and devotions today, I really noticed the contrast in the ways of the world, and the ways of God. We need to have our perspectives on justice to be founded in THE TRUTH -- rather than starting with our own mix of influences, we must start at the CROSS and biblical justice, the perfect way that leads to life now, and life forever.
In the study booklet there are three sections each day: She Studies, She Prays, She Lives 
I encourage you to take out your study book, a journal or simply a piece of paper to interact with the scriptures and process through, write out a prayer, and look to how this influences your actions in life.

Here is what happened in my journal today:
I love sharing the biblical truths and lovely photos from their website with you.
What were you inspired by in the scriptures or devotion readings today? Have you done a She Reads Truth Study before? What's in your journal?
Note: If you didn't get a chance to purchase the Justice Study Pack you still can HERE - The reason I love it is because there are blank pages to fill. If I skip a day, there is a space that is empty and obvious -- it helps me stay up to date with the study and have a bound and beautiful booklet to hold it all. If you don't have the chance to get the booklet but would still would like the devotionals in an interactive and handheld manor, I would recommend their app! They have a notes section, devotionals, bookmarks, and the scriptures all in one place!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

#SheReadsTruth Justice Study Pack

What could be better than being inspired to read truth alongside women from all over the world! A dear friend gave me a beautiful gift -- the She Reads Truth Justice Study Pack! It is absolutely gor.geous. and I feel SO inspired! I haven't ever had such beautiful bible study resources -- I mean seriously -- the pages are begging to be written and sketched in and the passages of scripture to be prayed and processed with the Holy Spirit! I'm really looking forward to beginning this study [Starts July 22!], and will be sharing with you along the way!
If you don't have the beautiful study packet, no worries, you can whip out your bible, computer and journal and join right in. Follow She Reads Truth by email and on your favorite social media site for daily scripture readings and devotionals that you can engage in and share with your friends! -- they have Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin', and Instagram so be sure to get connected!
I would encourage you to join me! Connect with one another and grow in our faith! I would love to hear what you are learning through the study, comment below if you will study with me!
Act Justly - Love Mercy - Walk Humbly Micah 6:8
P.S. I hear She Reads Truth is currently hiring artists! -- check it out HERE
P.P.S @OpenDoorTraders is doing an Instagram giveaway of this little beauty! 
If you don't win, I will be sad for you, but you can still purchase one for $15 HERE!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 Free Marriage and Family Apps!

Lately, I have been enjoying wonderful broadcasts about marriage and family from an app on my phone. It is very uplifting to have the words and insights of biblical psychologists and teachers at the touch of a button! I have enjoyed listening to Focus on the Family on the radio, but now that I am not usually in the car when a broadcast airs, it works out great to have an app ready to go on my phone! I just had to share this free resource with you, and I hope that you and your family will be greatly encouraged and benefited!
I have the Daily Broadcast App currently downloaded on my Moto X and have recently listened to the two part broadcast series introducing the book Becoming a Wholehearted Wife. I loved this broadcast in particular because the guests were some of Josh and my former professors! Greg and Erin Smalley team taught funny and engaging class at John Brown University called "Psychology of Relationship Development." The broadcast brought up great insights and memories of college!
If you ever feel like you need to refocus your day and have a word of biblical advice and direction, I would really recommend downloading this app, or any of the Focus on the Family apps! I found a whole page -- including an Adventures In Odyssey Club App, conversation starters for you and your family, crafts and activity ideas, articles, and even the Plugged In resources that give detailed reviews that can help determine what media may be appropriate for your family to view! All of those resources can be found HERE!
What do you think of these apps? Which ones did you download?

Friday, July 11, 2014

A Few Favorites!

Alrighty friends -- I thought we could get a little more acquainted!
Here we go -- a few of my favorite things [not people or places ...just things] ...in the order that I randomly thought through them :)

1|| Raspberries! 
Oh goodness -- they're a wonderful creation! Frozen raspberries, fresh raspberries -- both distinct and lover-ly!
Best memories include: 
  • cooling down on hot days with frozen raspberries and college friends
  • going raspberry picking with my mom while my dad and hopeful boyfriend, Josh *wink* had "THE talk!"
  • being handed fresh raspberries while my eyes were closed, as my soon-to-be-finance got one one knee!
  • Raspberries in my wedding reception and my take home package! Thanks family :)
2|| Ultimate

Seriously -- such an amazing sport, great camaraderie and a great way to run off the stress of life and just go for that disc :) 
Wanna know how the game is played? Check it out HERE!

3 || Moss
Beautiful, soft, simple, peaceful. I heart moss!
4 || Hiking
Being out in nature, exploring, pushing my physical limits, and being out of breath for breath-taking views -- hiking is SO wonderful, and is definitely one of my favorite things! I loved the summers that I was a hike guide at Horn Creek!
5 || Singing
Wherever, whenever -- for the glory of God :)
And there you have it!
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Air Plants - Loving these rainy summer days!

We've been in quite the rainy season here in South Florida! I've always enjoyed thunderstorms! Something about the rolling clouds, the wind whipping through the trees, the rumble of thunder and sleepiness of the rain showering down on the roof puts me [and my family] in a calm and peaceful mood. And that added whoosh of the rain and wind makes for great napping weather!
Little Marsh always sleeps a bit longer during his naps and, when awake, shouts "Raaaain!" and "FUNder!" at the top of his sweet voice, eyes wide with excitement!

A special bonus about living in a tropical climate, is that after the storms, there are air plants and Spanish moss that have fallen off of the trees and lay along the base of the trees in our front lawn -- that beckon me to welcome them into my home :) If I don't collect them, the lawn service mows over them, so I am quick to be out on a nature walk!

We made a trip to Goodwill on Monday and found a darling vase that is perfect for air plants! It has a little basin with a side spout to refill the water. What a find! I love having these plants in our home not only for their beauty but also for their ability to purify the air!
These plants are extremely low maintenance, perfect for...well...pretty much everyone! Here are a few little tips for care --

  •  Wet your air plants 2-3 times a week in the morning with a mister or at the base [more frequently if you live in a dry environment, less often in an especially humid one]. The best water to use is rainfall, pond or aquarium water. Distilled water is a big NO NO with air plants because it messes with their salt content!
  • Make sure your plants have good air circulation and light, but are not smoldering by a window with lots of reflecting glass. 
  • If you use aquarium or pond water, there is no need to fertilize!
  • Don't stress out-- these are forgiving plants! If your plant is starting to look brittle, give it a good 30 min water soak.
    Want more info? Here is a great site!

Do you keep air plants in your home? Have you had any great thrifting finds lately?
Let me know in the comments below!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

FREE! Naked Juice - With Overage + 2 more FREEbies

I have been stocking up my supply of Naked Juice! Fruits, veggies, convenient yummy-ness that is usually reserved for a special treat. Well guess what? There is a way to actually get PAID to purchase Naked Juice --don't walk RUN to your nearest Walmart -- and pick up a couple more freebies while you're out! Let me explain how!

I wrote awhile back about a couple of apps that I've used to help me save money HERE! The deals that I am sharing with you today uses two of those great apps!
Here's the simple summary!
Starting price of one 15.2 oz Naked Juice at my Walmart $2.98
  • Receive a $1 rebate from Ibotta (use my referral link for an extra $2!)
  • Receive a $1 rebate from Shopmium (use my code  MUKYKERJ to sign up and get a FREE Lindt Chocolate bar )
  • Print a $1 coupon from Naked Juice website (you can print 1 per day!)
= FREE!!! PLUS OVERAGE OF $.02! (here in FL we don't pay for food tax, but out of state, you would pay only for the cost of tax!)

While you're at Walmart don't forget to pick up your free Lindt chocolate bar and Greek Yogurt!
Lindt Excellence or Classic Recipe 3.5 oz
Receive full rebate from Shopmium after purchase (must use my code  MUKYKERJ to sign up and get your FREE Lindt Chocolate bar)
Yoplait Greek Yogurt 5.3 oz is $1 at Walmart [excludes Greek 100 variety]
Receive $1 rebate on 1 from Ibotta (use my referral link for an extra $2!)

...And if you want EVEN MORE SAVINGS...stick with me as I explain  more details that could let you get PAID for purchasing these products! (I'm not even kidding!)
  • Sign up for Free at TopCashBack.com using my link HERE
  • Sign up for Free at Cardpool using my link HERE
  • Log into your new TopCashBack.com account, search for Cardpool and click through to the Cardpool site and log in
  • Purchase a Walmart.com gift card for the amount you desire (you can use it for GAS too!
    Use that gift card for your Naked Juice purchase! 
  • Scan your receipt into the Receipt Hog app - which also adds up "coins" for cash back on grocery receipts  
Here is the breakdown of savings -- TopCashBack will reimburse 2% of your Cardpool purchase, and Cardpool's Walmart gift cards are discounted by 3%! Receipt Hog gives you several coins per receipt  (depending on amount spent) which will cash out for $5 PayPal when you reach 1000 coins.

Learn more about discount gift cards HERE

Final Tips
  • Be sure to double check your items in both apps to ensure that they match the offer even before you check out (using the barcode scanner IN the apps)
  • Screenshot your coupons from the print preview and paste and shrink them onto a Google Doc to fit more on a page before printing. 
  • The Naked Juice coupon can be downloaded once per day, per computer. 
  • Don't forget to return to the TopCashBack site half-way through the month or so for your processed return!
  • Sign up for Venmo (similar to PayPal) through the Ibotta app when you cash out, you can get $5 extra! 
  • Don't forget that your spouse or teen can also download these apps, which adds even more savings!
  • Refer your friends to these sites/apps for more credit! (notice my referral links when you hover over the sites/apps, thank you for supporting our family!)
I know it may sound complicated, but it can really become quite simple, and patterned! I am here to answer any questions that you have about the apps or the websites -- there are lots of freebies and ways to save using these tools! 
Comment below if you have any trouble, and I will answer your questions the best way I can!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Weekend Mondays

Welcome to a wonderful weekend Monday on Mitchael Journey! I'm so glad you're here :) Mondays are one of my favorite days -- I link-up at Oak + Oats to share my posts and build community, I have Art Journal connect group, and it is a family day for us --  since Sunday is a work day for him, Monday is my husband's day off! We really have enjoyed our Mondays, and I'm excited to share today, that my first guest post is LIVE on Homegrown State of Mind TODAY!
Check it out HERE:
Go explore Julie's blog, read her story, her posts and be sure to add some comments on my post over there to show some lovin' from Mitchael Journey!

You can link to Julie's blog at anytime through her button on my side bar. It has been so fun to collaborate with her :) AND --stay tuned, she will be guest posting on Mitchael Journey soon and she is going in on a GIVEAWAY with myself and Kelli at A Deeper Joy in August! There's a lot to get excited about today, my weekend Monday!
5 Big accomplishments for me this week in regards to blogging:
  • I made a Facebook Page for Mitchael Journey --LIKE it HERE and let me know what you think!
  • I learned what a Favicon was and designed one for my page using this free generator! So now, instead of the silly Blogger symbol -- I have my own little blue triangles! I actually took a screenshot on my Chromebook from my blog background! The result? Look at that lovely tab! vs.
  • I made a new FREE Printables tab that I am looking forward to building into more resources!
  • aaand I BOUGHT A DOMAIN NAME! Notice that there is no longer .blogspot attached to my website! I went through Go Daddy.com and got a sweet deal! They are always running promotions or coupons through their site or RetailMeNot! Simple, clean MitchaelJourney.com! Paid up for the next 2 years!
  • My first guest post is LIVE - One more shot out! Don't forget to check it out HERE! It has been so fun to write for Julie's blog, kinda fun to have a goal and deadline, actually!
And there you have it! 
Comment below and let me know!
Do you like the new additions? What have you been changing on your blog?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Flashback Fourth

I have so many wonderful childhood memories from celebrating Independence Day with my family! Today I'm going to have you step into my world -- a journal that I kept as a log book and outlet to record my daily life as a kid! I want to welcome you to my Composition Notebook! I actually have quite a stack of these ol' notebooks, filled with stories that make me smile and laugh, full of nostalgia! Where will I flashback today? To an illustrated version of what I wanted to remember from 14 years ago, July 4th, 2000.
I started with my classic date heading with the 2000 overlapping like the Olympic rings and description of what I was wearing. And of course, it was a tie-dye red, white, and blue shirt! Proud and Patriotic!
I love the part in the above pages where both my mom and dad are present -- Mom reading to us in the pool! In the water, who could believe that? She was so cool and risky! And then my dad, washing the car and shooting some hoops with my sister -- if you can make it out in my handwriting, I'm pretty impressed by him!
I wrote of the 300 fireworks my neighbors had purchased, a solo man-and-his-dog canoe trip that I felt was pretty epic, and a passage of scripture that I was memorizing, Psalm 119:17-19. So far, I haven't memorized the whole thing, who knows if I ever will, but I still have the first 42 verses committed to memory, and believe it or not, but there's even a tune to go with it! I am blessed by my hard work as a youth memorizing scripture. Psalm 119-- that was just one I decided to memorize on my own to see how far I could get! You were a pretty cool kid, Andrea Greene -- I have a lot to learn from that age of myself!

And now, page 4 -- the FIREWORKS and our family tradition...the MUMMY ROLL! Each year we always went to the same place to watch fireworks as a family, a large grassy hill where we would await the show. My dad would bring a large raggedy quilt and we knew that the wait for dark skies would be filled with dizziness and laughter! We would lay down on one end of the quilt, get all rolled, tucked, and wrapped up, and then pushed down the hill like little mummies unraveling right at the foot of the hill! Whew! We'd get going quite fast down that big hill -- oh, the Mummy Roll!
My quirky tales of the 4th are complete with fireworks taped in the pages, drawings of some sort of antenna-ed representation of my family, weather, trampolines, canoes, kittens, and 3-legged dogs! The important part about it all, my family was found throughout those pages, and all of my daily journal pages, for that matter. Sometimes I am struck when I see my son or other kids experiencing new things and remember...this is their childhood! Be present in the pages of their story, how they would tell it! Read to them in the pool, wash the car -- but then shoot some hoops, roll them down the hill and watch in amazement as sparks burst through the sky in remembrance and celebration!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Remember When

a guest post by my husband, Josh Mitchael
®Sarah Kay Crawford
September 17th, of 2011 was an incredible day- the day I committed to loving, caring for, and cherishing my best friend for the rest of my life. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about their wedding day and, honestly, I’ve come to find that too many of them say something like, “it was all a blur” and “it was the most stressful experience of my life” or my favorite, “oh, I don’t remember it at all”. Well...for a few of significant reasons, I remember our wedding day very well.
® Sarah Kay Crawford
® Becca Pascoe
The first reason had to do with something Andrea and I decided when we got engaged- we wanted to remember our wedding day! I know...crazy right? We had seen a lot of our friends get married and shared I likes and dislikes of the ceremony, music, reception, cake, etc. The more we talked the more we started to see how much work goes into a wedding. Now, I’m not at all suggesting that we didn’t want to put a lot of work into our wedding. After all, Andrea and I spent most of our engagement apart. Communication was hard. Thank heavens for technology. We planned the wedding over Skype dates and sporadic phone calls. We worked hard to keep things simple, affordable, and enjoyable.
® Heather Charise Foley
The second reason I can recall much of my wedding day is because IT WAS A BLAST! I’m not sure how many dudes can actually say they had a good time at their wedding. It’s not because I love weddings either (confession- there are many things I would choose to do before attending a wedding...shocking). I had my best friends for groomsmen and so many of our friends and family (over 300 people) came out to support and witness our marriage. We had fun, laughed, cried a little, and all because we wanted to make it a day to remember, not one that was so insane we would be unable to process it.
® Heather Charise Foley 
The final reason I can recall my wedding day is most essential- we centered our marriage on Christ’s love for his people. Andrea and I are committed to loving God, loving each other, loving people, and showing it so we can see can help as many people as possible become totally committed to Jesus Christ. We figured why not make our wedding all about the crazy love of God.
® Becca Pascoe
I’m crazy in love with Andrea because she is a reflection of Jesus. She is compassionate, an exhorter, and an incredible servant. She is so intelligent it’s embarrassing for me sometimes. She is healthy not only when it comes to physical food, but she continually fills herself through prayer, reading the Word, and investing in people. I couldn’t have found a better friend and hotter wife to marry...Yes she is very hot.
If you’re getting engaged and getting married soon, I have wisdom to share with you:
1. Love God, love each other, love people, and show it.
2. Nurture and cherish your relationship with your wife. Marry her everyday.
3. Pray, read scripture, and serve together. God honoring couples are unstoppable.
® Becca Pascoe
Here’s some practical reminders and advice once you tie the knot:
1. You’re on the same team. Work together to resolve conflict.
2. Do not talk about money after 9pm. At that point there’s nothing you can do about it.
3. Have sex. You’re married. It’s worship :)
4. Go on dates often. Make your spouse feel like they’re just as hot if not hotter than when you first started dating and couldn’t keep your eyes off of each other.
5. Talk about your finances. Give at least 10% to God. Create margin in your finances. Spend money on things that actually matter. Save money all the time.
6. Set aside at least 15 minutes each day to talk. We call this FaceTime. Makes sense- time in each other’s faces. Be open and honest. Put down your freaking smart phone. Listen. It matters.
© Heather Charise Foley
I love you, Andrea!

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