
Hi, I'm Andrea! Our little family of four lives in South Florida and leads worship. We are here to share the love of Christ and live life together. We're learning a lot here and enjoy looking for opportunities to grow. Thanks for listening and coming alongside us!

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Monthly Goals - March 2015 - #friendswithgoals

February was a quick one, wasn't it, friends? What sorts of things did you do or accomplish? I checked off a few items on my to-do list [including finishing taxes!!] as well as doing pretty darn well on my February Goals. We didn't get to save quite as much as we had hoped [goal was 80% of my part-time paycheck], because we took our car into the shop for a few issues, including the dreaded check-engine-light and shaking during gear changes. Anyways, I still count it as a victory that we were able to pay for those issues in "cash" to be resolved and get the tune-up that it needed before we put a new little baby in her car-seat :)
There is a lot to celebrate today, March 1st! Not only is it a new month, and my wonderful father-in-law's birthday, but it is also Ember's BIRTH MONTH! Little Ember will officially have a March birthday!

In light incorporating my Goals for the New Year a little each month, I have only a couple of goals this month. My New Year's Resolution #4 || Prioritize the best choices for me and my family - practice The Best Yes and #6 || Grow to thrive as a mom of two and a wife will be set in high gear!
March Goals:: 
1 || Mail out baby shower thank-you's!
I'm so excited to say, I finished writing these this morning! Now I just need to purchase stamps and pop them in the mail -- woohooo!
2 || Be patient and present in the waiting for Ember to arrive.
I'm 39 weeks today -- and I'm ready for baby, but I don't want to disregard or wish away the way things are now. *I appreciate your prayers on this!
3 || Trust the LORD Jesus in labor and birth, relying on the Spirit, and not my own strength!
I'm planning on home-birth #2, and pray that it will go well! I also pray that, should we have to transfer to the hospital that God will help me to accept and appreciate the care that is best for baby. 
4 || Balance our March family visitors well with our new baby
I can be a people-pleaser, but I know that this can have pitfalls. My goal is to know when to say, "no" and when to say, "yes"!

Now, it's YOUR TURN! What are some goals or resolutions that are important to you for this 2015 year? Bloggers, be sure to link-up below, and encourage one another! Others, please leave your goals in the comments below! I would love to see you come back to check in the 1st of each month with your progress! 
Link-Up Rules: 
Must be a monthly goals post from the current month || Add link-up button or link back in some way || Leave an encouraging comment on at least the link right before yours || Follow your host(s)

Optional FUN:
add the hashtag #friendswithgoals on social media || Follow the Link-Up Pinterest board || contact ifrog4fr {at} gmail.com to host/co-host

Mitchael Journey

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  1. So exciting! Have fun meeting your new little bundle! I hope that all goes smoothly for you. Enjoy the newborn snuggles.

    Thanks for hosting the goal link-up. :)

  2. March is going to be a very exciting month for you & your family!

  3. Love all your baby goals! Praying for peace in this season!

  4. Yay! I'm 5 1/2 months and I'm ready for our little one to get here lol. However, like you, I'm praying very similar prayers and I'm not wishing away my time. I can't wait to hear that Ember has arrived!


Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to hear from you!

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